Czech Republic

national Network
Region: Europe

SDSN Czech Republic, hosted by Charles University Environment Centre, and established in 2021, mobilizes its members in the Czech Republic and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Key focus areas include uniting universities and research institutions with businesses, governmental bodies, and NGOs, fostering collaboration to create and implement practical solutions capable of driving transformative change.

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SDSN Czech Republic Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics in Prague Czech Republic Czech RepublicEurope University (Department/Institute)
Charles University Environment Centre Czech Republic Czech RepublicEurope University (Department/Institute)

Featured Resources


Vojtěch Kotecký

  • Network Manager
  • SDSN Czech Republic

SDSN Focal Point

Andrija Erac

  • Head of Networks
  • Networks Program