SDSN Malaysia Joins SDG-ESG Forum to Strengthen University Partnerships
On February 24, 2025, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s Malaysia Network (SDSN Malaysia) participated in the pivotal forum “Consolidating the Sustainability Agenda (SDG-ESG) Among Public and Private Higher Education Institutions.” The event, held at Zenith Hotel in Putrajaya, Malaysia, was co-organized by the SDSN Asia Office, the Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, Universiti Malaya, the Ministry of Economy, Malaysia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM- SDG).
The forum gathered 150 participants, including students, academics, and administrative representatives from both public and private universities. Discussions centered on how institutions can collectively address sustainability challenges and effectively implement SDG-ESG strategies.
The event commenced with a special address by H.E. Ms. Karima El-Korri, the UN Resident Coordinator for Malaysia. She highlighted the significance of public-private partnerships in accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dato’ Ts. V. Valluvan Veloo, the Deputy Secretary General (Macro) of the Ministry of Economy, Malaysia, followed, officially opening the event.
The event also featured a panel and a roundtable discussion. Dato’ Sri Mustapha Mohamed, a member of the SDSN Malaysia Leadership Council and a Distinguished Fellow at SDSN, moderated the panel discussion. The panelists — including representatives from the APPGM, the National SDG Centre from the Ministry of Economy in Malaysia, the University Sains Malaysia, and SDSN — discussed their roles in localizing and achieving the SDGs in Malaysia and beyond.
The SDSN was represented by Kong Phui Yi, the Co-Manager of SDSN Malaysia, who gave the presentation "SDSN Networks in Action: Key Takeaways for a Whole-of-Society Approach,” which highlighted various SDSN initiatives, their impacts, and potential opportunities for participant organizations to engage with the SDSN.
Mr. Asfaazam Kasbani, Director of the National SDG Centre, during his presentation, emphasized the importance of the work done by SDSN Malaysia in advancing SDG implementation, including its role as the Chair of the SDG Technical Steering Committee for the private sector in Malaysia under the SDG Council. Dato’ Sri Mustapha Mohamed, who is also the former Minister of Higher Education, noted that this was the first time Malaysian public and private universities have gathered to engage in collective dialogues aimed at advancing the SDGs.
The event concluded with an afternoon roundtable discussion. SDSN Malaysia Member Focal Point Assoc Prof Dr Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad from the Universiti Malaya Sustainable Development Centre (UMSDC) presented the case study of Universiti Malaya, while SDSN Malaysia Secretariat Sunway University representative Ng Beng Lean, Co-Chair of Campus with a Conscience Committee, presented the case of Sunway University. In both, the role of the SDSN was emphasized. The University of Malaya utilized the SDSN Net Zero Guide and toolkit to develop its sustainability planning. Meanwhile, Sunway University highlighted their use of SDSN SDG Academy courses for their employees and positioned SDSN in an advisory role regarding the university's sustainability initiatives.
Overall, the dialogue set a tone for greater cooperation between various government departments, civil society organizations, and higher education institutions in Malaysia, positioning the SDSN as a catalyst for supporting higher education institutions and other public-private stakeholders.
SDSN Malaysia, consisting of 27 member institutions, is hosted by its secretariat at Sunway University. Representatives from member institutions attended the forum, including Prof Emeritus Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman (also a Leadership Council Member), Assoc Prof Dr Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad, Mohd Fadhli Rahmat Fakri from Universiti Malaya; Assoc Prof Dr Masnita Misiran from Universiti Utara Malaysia.
To learn more about SDSN Malaysia, visit the Network’s website.