Black Sea

regional Network
Region: Europe

SDSN Black Sea mobilizes local knowledge to advance viable solutions to sustainable development challenges in the Black Sea region. The network, hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and established in 2018, includes the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, and Ukraine. Key focus areas include monitoring SDG implementation in the region (SDR Black Sea edition, Black Sea SDGs Observatory); advocating for the transition to a low-carbon economy by organizing the annual Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit, and engaging with high-level events and initiatives like the UN's Conference of Parties (COP), the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) and the Baku Forum. Additionally, the network focuses on empowering youth by hosting and supporting the chapter of SDSN Youth in the Black Sea.

Urban Sustainability Summit Convenes Stakeholders for Roundtable Discussions

SDSN Black Sea organized the 2023 Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit. This year's thematic focus was "Urban Sustainability" and gathered reknowned scientists, representatives from the private sector and government officials in roundtable discussions. The network also co-organized the 4th International Conference "A multi-centric world in the making?" from November 13-14, 2023.

Youth-centered, Socio-environmental Events Connect Students with Professionals

SDSN Black Sea has actively supported youth activities aiming at connecting students with professionals and scientists regarding societal and environmental issues through co-organizing targeted events. For example, by supporting SDSN Youth Black Sea and the SDG Students Hub AUTh., 150 people attended an informative event about floods in urban environments.

Gender Equality Project Promotes Women's Scientific Career Development

SDSN Black Sea participated in the webinar "Transformative Solutions for Achieving Gender Equality" by showcasing a proposal titled "Women Empowerment in Science." The project, presented by Prof. Olga Iermakova from the Institute of Market and Economic & Ecological Researchers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, aims to promote women's scientific work and encourage their career development in the field of science.

High-level Engineers Group Selects SDSN Black Sea's Chair as a Member

The Chair of SDSN Black Sea, Prof. Nicolaos Theodossiou, was selected as a member of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET), a high-level body of engineers and energy system experts helping build the UN Secretary General's coalition to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. In this capacity, Prof. Theodossiou participated in the CEET meeting alongside the UN General Assembly in September and at COP28 in December 2023. Additionally, the chair of SDSN Black Sea, together with the chairs of SDSN Europe, continues to actively offer support to Ukrainian universities.

SDSN Black Sea Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
"Athena" Research & Innovation Center in Information, Communication & Knowledge Technologies Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Abdullah Gül University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
ADA University Azerbaijan Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Agency for Innovation and Development Moldova Black SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Altinbas University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
American College of Greece Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Anadolu University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Ano Sei "Generation of Sustainable Development" Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Armenian State University of Economics Armenia Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Association of Energy Markets Participants “Goal Number Seven” (GNS) Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Ataturk University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Athens Lifelong Learning Institute Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Athens University of Economics and Business Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)Research Institution
Aydın Adnan Menderes University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Azerbaijan Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Bahçeşehir University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Batman University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Batumi State Maritime Academy Georgia Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Bilkent University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Boğaziçi University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Business and Technology University Georgia Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Cag University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Institute of Applied Biosciences Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Comrat State University Moldova Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Cukurova University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Svishtov Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Democritus University Of Thrace Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Ecological club "MGIMO GOES GREEN" Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Edam Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Ege University Environmental Problems Application and Research Centre (EU-CEVMER) Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development Serbia Black SeaWestern BalkansEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Environmental Investment Center Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Erciyes University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Faculty of Economics, University of Shkodra Luigj Gurakuqi Albania Black SeaWestern BalkansEurope University (Department/Institute)
Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana Albania Black SeaWestern BalkansEurope University (Department/Institute)
Faculty of Health Sciences Nutrition and Dietetic Department, Inonu University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Gazi University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Gebze Technical University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Goulandris Natural History Museum Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Gugushvili Institute of Economics, Tbilisi State University (TSU) Georgia Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Hacettepe University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)Research Institution
HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization
Hellenic Mediterranean Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Hellenic Pasteur Institute Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF University) Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Ibn Haldun University Business School Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
INDEPENDENT STUDIES OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Institute of Defensive Health Sciences, University of Health Sciences Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Black SeaEurope Research Institution
Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Black SeaEurope Research Institution
International Center for Responsible Tourism ICRT Russia Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
International Hellenic University Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
International Partnership and Development Organization Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Ionan University Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Ionian University Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Beykent University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Bilgi University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Gedik University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Kultur University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
ISTANBUL MEDİPOL UNIVERSITY Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Nisantasi University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)Research InstitutionNon-Governmental OrganizationFoundation/Donor Organization
Istanbul Technical University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul Ticaret University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istanbul University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Istinye University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Izmir University of Economics Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Kadir Has Üniversitesi Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Karadeniz Technical University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Kastamonu University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Kayseri University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Kazan State Medical University Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Khazar University Azerbaijan Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Koç University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Laboratory of Sociology of Culture and Civilization of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Mersin University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Metropolitan College Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Middle East Technical University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Moscow University S. Witte Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Mugla Sitki Kocman University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Mus Alparslan University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)Research Institution
National University Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
NGO "GoLOCAL" Ukraine Black SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
NGO "League of Professional Women" Ukraine Black SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Non-commercial organization Foundation for Development of the Center for Elaboration and Commercialization of New Technologies Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Foundation/Donor Organization
North Ossetian State University Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Open School of Sustainable Development Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
Ozyegin University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Polissia National University Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab, University of Athens Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
QualityNet Foundation Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Civil Society Organization
Research Unit of Environmental Education and Communication, Department of Public and Community Health, University of West Attica Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Russian Carbon Fund Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Sabancı University Istanbul International Center for Energy and Climate Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Ecological Safety & Sustainable Development of Regions Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Research Institution
Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Serbian All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sustainable Development Serbia Black SeaWestern BalkansEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Şirnak University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Social and Strategic Research Center; Cappadocia University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
State Organization "Institute of Market and Economic & Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" Ukraine Black SeaEurope Research Institution
Sustainable Development Unit at ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
TED University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
The «Оlexandria» State Dendrological Park of the NAS of Ukraine Ukraine Black SeaEurope University (Department/Institute)
The Fund for Support and Development of Environmental and Other Socially Significant Projects "Our Fund" Russia RussiaBlack SeaEurope Non-Governmental OrganizationFoundation/Donor Organization
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Toros University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Institution-wide)
Trakia University Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
University of Crete Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of European Studies of Moldova Moldova Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
University of Patras (UPAT) Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Peloponnese Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics, E-Cube Lab Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Piraeus Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of the Aegean Greece GreeceBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Üsküdar University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" Bulgaria Black SeaBulgariaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Western University Azerbaijan Black SeaEurope University (Institution-wide)
Yeditepe University Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Yildiz Technical University Center for Finance Corporate Governance and Sustainability (CFGS) Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
YUVA Türkiye TürkiyeBlack SeaEuropeMediterranean Non-Governmental Organization

Featured News

Featured Resources


Nicolaos Theodossiou

  • Chair
  • SDSN Black Sea

Eleni Fotopoulou

  • Co-Network Manager
  • SDSN Black Sea

Charis Stavridis

  • Co-Network Manager
  • SDSN Black Sea

SDSN Focal Point

Marta García Haro

  • Senior Manager
  • Networks Program