Southeast Asia
regional Network
Asia & Pacific
SDSN Southeast Asia mobilizes local knowledge to advance viable solutions to sustainable development challenges in the Southeast Asian region. The network, hosted by United in Diversity Foundation, and established in 2013, includes the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. Key activities include mobilizing resources to scale-up SDG-related solutions through its flagship Tri Hata Karana Conference, localizing the SDGs by developing tailored regional long-term development pathways for local governments, and organizing numerous panels and events on various sustainable development topics relevant to the region.
Network Hosts

SDSN Southeast Asia Network Members
Organization | Country | Network | Sector |
Asian Vision Institute (AVI) | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | Research Institution |
Cambodia University of Technology and Science (CamTech) | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | Research Institution |
Duy Tan University | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
French Vietnamese Center for Management Education | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Department/Institute) |
Go Purpose Inc. | Singapore | Southeast Asia | Non-Governmental Organization |
Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | Research Institution |
Lien Centre for Social Innovation, Singapore Management University (SMU) | Singapore | Southeast Asia | University (Department/Institute) |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
National University of Laos | Laos | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
National University of Management (NUM) | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
National University Singapore (NUS) | Singapore | Southeast Asia | University (Department/Institute) |
Phenikaa University | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association | Myanmar | Southeast Asia | Civil Society Organization |
Royal University of Phnom Penh | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) | Singapore | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) | Singapore | Southeast Asia | Foundation/Donor Organization |
Temasek Polytechnic | Singapore | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Thuongmai University (TMU) | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
University of Brunei Darussalam | Brunei Darussalam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
University of Cambodia (UC) | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
University of Peace | Timor Leste | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
University of Puthisastra | Cambodia | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
Vietnam National University (VNU) | Vietnam | Southeast Asia | University (Institution-wide) |
World Toilet Organization | Singapore | Southeast Asia | Non-Governmental Organization |
Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) | Singapore | Southeast Asia | Research Institution |
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Networks in Action Report 2022

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