South Africa

national Network
Region: Africa

SDSN South Africa, hosted by University of Pretoria and established in 2022, mobilizes its members in South Africa and aims to teach sustainable development, support solutions initiatives, and localize the SDGs in the country. Key focus areas include promoting a shared understanding of sustainable development and future-oriented thinking through SDGs embedded in university curricula; mobilizing knowledge institutions to accelerate African-led activities in support of the African Union’s Agenda 2063; and advancing leadership and SDG 17 (partnerships) as a catalyst for achieving the SDGs.

Network Hosts

Panel Fosters Discussion on Responsible Leadership and Practice

In collaboration with the SDG Academy, the Trevor Noah Foundation, the Global MDP, and the ALLI, SDSN South Africa organized a panel discussion on "Shaping responsible leaders and practitioners in South Africa - Multidisciplinary and transformational learning approaches."

Network Members Win Second Place in "UxGoal13” Competition

Members of SDSN South Africa participated in SDSN and SIEMENS Gamesa International Student Competition, “Universities for Goal 13”. Team Tujenge's solution won second place - their small-scale, solar-powered water purification system uses plasma technology that is ideal for providing clean drinking water in off-grid situations.

Network Member Represents Institution at Global Forum in Rio

Prof. Darelle van Greunen from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), a member of SDSN South Africa, represented the university's Teacher’s Health Promotion Programme (KaziHealth) at the Global Solutions Forum in Rio.

Network Member's Platform Models African Development Through 2063

The SDSN South Africa member, Institute for Security Studies, launched their African Futures platform that models potential progress towards the African Union’s Agenda 2063 vision, through the individual and combined impact of various scenarios modelled for each African country. SDSN South Africa hosted a webinar along with AUDA-NEPAD to discuss this important contribution.

SDSN South Africa Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership, University of Pretoria South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
Central University of Technology, Free State South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
Columba Leadership South Africa South Africa Non-Governmental Organization
Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
Huguenot College NPC South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
Institute for Security Studies (ISS) South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
National Education Collaboration Trust South Africa South Africa Non-Governmental Organization
Nelson Mandela University South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
South African Environmental Observation Network of the National Research Foundation South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
University of Cape Town South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
University of Mpumalanga South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
University of Pretoria South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
University of South Africa South Africa South Africa University (Department/Institute)
University of Venda South Africa South Africa University (Institution-wide)

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Francis Petersen

  • Chair
  • South Africa

Priscilla Morley

  • Manager
  • SDSN South Africa

Kamagano Sethono

  • Assistant Manager
  • SDSN South Africa

SDSN Focal Point

Faustin Gasheja

  • Senior Manager, Africa Lead
  • Networks Program