Dr. Faustin Gasheja is a Senior Manager with United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network(UNSDSN) in charge of overseeing SDSN Activities in Africa.
Dr. Fautin Gasheja (Ph.D.) holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Development and Transformation from Cebu Doctors’ University, Philippines, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Finance and Accounting) from Griggs University; Maryland USA, a project management professional (PMP) certificate from Project Management Institute, USA, Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning Higher Education (PGCTLHE) and Certified Result based monitoring and Evaluation specialist (CRMES).
He is a former Principal of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda (UR-CBE). He has done a lot of Research and Consultancy in various socio-economic studies. He was a Senior Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant at UR-CBE, Chair of the Board of Directors, University of Rwanda Holding Group ltd, Chairman of Sustainable Development Solutions Network Great Lakes Region (UN SDSN GL) from 2017-july 2021, Board member of Economic Policy Research Network Rwanda (EPRN), Member of National steering committee of African Centers of Excellence, Member of College Research, and Innovation.
Dr Faustin organized a University presidents meeting for Africa which was attended by more than 200 presidents of the biggest universities in Africa, ministers of Education in the continent, and the deputy secretary general of the United Nations Amina Muhammed to discuss the contribution of Education sector in the Implementation of the Sustainable development goals.
Therefore, Dr. Gasheja has authored extensive research papers published in multiple venues, including articles in the peer-reviewed journal of Business and Economics. Additionally, he has done several paper presentations at national, regional, and international conferences.