
national Network
Region: Europe

SDSN Italy, hosted by the University of Brescia and the Politecnico di Torino, mobilizes its members in Italy and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Established in 2016, the network operates at the intersection between science, policy, and development practice to promote SDGs territorialization through education, research, policy analysis, and cooperation. Key focus areas include supporting SDG implementation in university campus and youth-focus initiatives in collaboration with the national Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) and the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS); raising SDG awareness and among the private sector by organizing workshops on humanistic businesses; and advocating for the creative sector's essential role in innovatively spreading SDG principles.

The Network Explores the Role of Art and Sustainability

SDSN Italy, in partnership with the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, developed a concept note titled “The Arts as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development,” focusing on creativity and sustainability. This note serves as a foundation for future research and practical initiatives. Additionally, SDSN Italy played a key role in organizing a full-day seminar dedicated to exploring the ontological impact of the arts in sustainable development. The seminar brought together academic staff, entrepreneurs, artists, and institutional representatives on October 28th at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. During the event, SDSN’s President, Jeffrey Sachs, delivered the keynote address which was introduced by SDSN Italy Chair, Sabina Ratti.

New Host Institution of SDSN Italia

In September 2024, the University of Brescia and the Politecnico di Torino became the new host institutions for SDSN Italy. These universities will play a crucial role in advancing SDSN's mission to promote sustainable development solutions nationwide, fostering collaboration across academic, civil, and private sectors to address global challenges.
On October 16, 2024, the University of Brescia hosted the public seminar "A New Vision for the Future: Moving Beyond the 2030 Agenda" in Brescia, Italy. The event featured Prof. Jeffrey Sachs as the keynote speaker and introduced key elements of the Pact for the Future to nearly 200 attendees.
On October 25-26, 2024, the Politecnico di Torino, held the General Assembly of the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS). Alongside the assembly, the youth-focused event "Youth4Climate & Universities for the Future: Sparking Solutions for Climate Action" was organized in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and UNDP.

SDSN Italy Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Academy of Fine Arts in Rome Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)UN Agency/Affiliate
AIESEC Italy Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Non-Governmental Organization
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Amedeo Avogado University of Eastern Piedmont Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Civil Society Organization
Bioversity International Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Bocconi University Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Foundation/Donor Organization
Catholic University of Sacro Cuore Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
CIMA Research Foundation (Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Consorzio Arca Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Consorzio IPASS Scarl Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
DesertNet International Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation (FEEM) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
European Academy of Bolzano Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
FAIR Italy Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Fispmed Onlus Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Florence School of Regulation Climate (FSR Climate), European University Institute (EUI) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Fondazione Achille Sclavo ONLUS Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization
International Affairs Institute Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Istituto di Studi Sulle Societa’ del Mediterraneo (ISSM) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Italian Diplomatic Academy Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Luiss Business School Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
LUM Jean Monnet University Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
LUMSA University - Master in Management of SDGs Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Market, Culture and Ethics Research Centre - Pontifical University of Holy Cross Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Politecnico di Bari Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Politecnico di Milano Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Politecnico di Torino Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Regenerative Society Foundation Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Foundation/Donor Organization
Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Roma Tre University Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Roma Tre University – Department of Political Sciences Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Santa Chiara Lab, University of Siena Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Tortuga Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research InstitutionNon-Governmental OrganizationCivil Society Organization
UNESCO Chair University of Genoa Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Universita degli studi di Salerno (UniSa) Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
Università degli Studi di Sassari Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution
Università Iuav di Venezia, Department of Architecture and Arts Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Bari Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Bergamo Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Brescia Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Catania Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Ferrara Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Non-Governmental Organization
University of Florence Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Milan Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Foundation/Donor Organization
University of Palermo Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Pavia Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Pisa Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Rome Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean
University of Teramo Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean University (Department/Institute)
University of Turin Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Non-Governmental Organization
Venice International University Italy ItalyEuropeMediterranean Research Institution

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Featured Resources


Patrizia Lombardi

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Italy

Michele Pezzagno

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Italy

Sara Torabi

  • Co-Manager
  • SDSN Italy

Anna Richiedei

  • Co-Manager
  • SDSN Italy

SDSN Focal Point

Marta García Haro

  • Senior Manager
  • Networks Program