Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands to Host International Conference on Sustainable Development

May 15, 2015, NEW YORK – The Government of Ecuador, the Earth Institute, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will host an International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Galapagos Islands on June 30 and July 1, 2015. The conference will bring together a diverse group of experts and international leaders to launch the Andean Network of the SDSN and discuss the challenges and opportunities the Andean Region faces in terms of sustainable development.

The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa; the Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning, Amina J. Mohammed; the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo; the Director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on the MDGs, Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs; and several recognized scientists from around the world are expected to attend.

The conference was announced on May 14 by an official Ecuadorian delegation led by Andrés Arauz, Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent, and composed of René Ramírez, Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Fernando Albericio, Rector of Yachay Tech and Ambassador Xavier Lasso, permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations and underscored the Government of Ecuador’s commitment to the successful completion of the upcoming International Conference on Sustainable Development.

The conference will take place in the Galapagos Islands, which owe their uniqueness to the geological and biological diversity. Ecosystems like the Galapagos are under pressure from human-induced climate change and other human-induced environmental stresses. Recently, scientists announced that warmer temperatures due to El Niño on top of the long-term human-induced rise in temperature would affect the Islands greatly this year. Through the international conference, the Government of Ecuador will be spotlighting the Galapagos Islands as one of the most important scientific hubs in the world, where highly qualified scientists and researchers can work together on sustainable solutions that benefit vulnerable ecosystems worldwide.

“For Ecuador, hosting the Conference on Sustainable Development reaffirms the country’s long-standing commitment of concrete proposals to effectively transform the political economy of climate change and respond to actual needs of our people. In addition, we want to convey to the world the importance of consolidating the Galapagos Islands as a scientific hub that will effectively contribute to the formulation of sustainable strategies in line with the paradigm of Good Living, or Buen Vivir, ” Arauz declared.

“I am thrilled that the Government of Ecuador and Yachay Tech University are putting forward such a strong and creative commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, and to the sustainable development of the Andean Region,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Global SDSN. “The launch in the remarkable Galapagos Islands will provide a profound inspiration for the work of the Andean SDSN for the years ahead.”

The Andean SDSN will be the first regional effort aimed at building a strong regional network of universities, research centers, governments, businesses, and civil society to implement solutions initiatives for sustainable development in the Andean Region (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela). Yachay Tech, a flagship university located in Ecuador’s city of knowledge, will host the Andean Network, acting as a regional coordinating hub for activities of the Network.

The Government of Ecuador views the Network as an effective mechanism to discuss and analyze the challenges of sustainable development in the region and to jointly develop practical solutions to these challenges. The Andean SDSN work will complement ongoing efforts in areas related to Good Living , Ecuador’s conception of development and a fundamental component of the national transformation process towards a knowledge-based economy of infinite resources.

To join the SDSN visit For more information on the Network visit the Andean SDSN website.

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About the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN): Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in August 2012, and led by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute of Columbia University, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. We aim to accelerate joint learning and help to overcome the compartmentalization of technical and policy work by promoting integrated approaches to the interconnected economic, social, and environmental challenges confronting the world.

About the Earth Institute, Columbia University: The Earth Institute’s mission is to mobilize the sciences, education and public policy to achieve a sustainable Earth. Through interdisciplinary research among more than 500 scientists in diverse fields, the Institute is adding to the knowledge necessary for addressing the challenges of the 21 st century and beyond. With over two-dozen associated degree curricula and a vibrant fellowship program, the Earth Institute is educating new leaders to become professionals and scholars in the growing field of sustainable development. We work alongside governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals to devise innovative strategies to protect the future of our planet.