United States
national Network
SDSN USA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University, the University of California, San Diego, and Howard University mobilizes its members in the United States of America and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Established in 2018, key focus areas and activities include decarbonization pathways via its involvement in the U.S. Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project, producing a Zero-Carbon Action Plan and collaborating with cities to develop decarbonization pathways; human rights; and SDG localization, including tracking SDG progress in the U.S. and linking science-based research with policymakers and community leaders.

SDSN United States Network Members
Organization | Country | Network | Sector |
Academic Council on the United Nations System | United States | United States | Civil Society Organization |
Alabama State University, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative (AMCC) | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
American University, Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Antioch University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Applied Survey Research | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Arizona Association for Environmental Education | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Arizona State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Association for Communty Empowerment Solutions (ACESWorld) | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Auburn University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Ball State University, Center for Emerging Media Design & Development | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization |
Biomimicry Institute | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Boise State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Boston University, Engineers Without Borders | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Brown University, Institute at Brown for Environment and Society | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Bucknell University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
California State University, Sacaramento | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Carey Institute for Global Good | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Cascadia College Sustainability | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Case Western Reserve University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Center for Creative and Cultural Industries, Chapman University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research Institution |
Center for the Analysis of Sustainable Agricultural Systems | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Center for Urban Ecology Sustainability, Butler University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
City College of New York, Spitzer School of Architecture, Sustainability in the Urban Environment | United States | United States | Foundation/Donor Organization |
Climate Watch | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
College of Art and Architecture, University of Idaho | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
College of Charleston | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) – University of Cincinnati | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
College of Forestry, Oregon State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
College of New Jersey | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
College of the Atlantic | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Colorado School of Mines, Payne Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Columbia University, The Earth Institute, Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), & Sabin Center for Climate Change Law | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Commitment to Equity Institute | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Community Systems Foundation | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Conservation International | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Cornell University, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Creative City KC Inc. | United States | United States | UN Agency/Affiliate |
Creative Enterprise Leadership International Graduate Programs, Pratt Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Curious Learning | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Dartmouth College, Arthur L Irving Institute for Energy and Society | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Data-Pop Alliance | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Dev4X | United States | United States | Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization |
Dickinson College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Doane University, Institute for Human and Planetary Health | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Earth Rebirth | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
EarthGame | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities - Network (EPIC-N) | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Emory University | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Environic Foundation International | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Erivan K. Haub School of Business | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Fairleigh Dickinson University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Fordham University, Law School, National Center for Access to Justice | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
George Mason University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Georgia Tech | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance (GAIA) | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Global Campaign for Peace Education | United States | United States | Non-Governmental OrganizationCivil Society Organization |
Global Education Motivators | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Global Financial Integrity | United States | United States | Non-Governmental OrganizationCivil Society Organization |
Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communications Technologies (G3ict) | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Global Masters in Development Practice Consortium | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Global Minnesota | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Global Wellbeing Institute | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Global WtERT Council | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Graduate Programs in Sustainability at Bard College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Harvard University, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Haverford College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Heifer International | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
HelpAge USA | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research Institution |
IDEAS For Us | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Indiana University | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Institute of Environment, Florida International University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research Institution |
International Humanistic Management Association (IHMA) | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research InstitutionCivil Society Organization |
International Senior Lawyers Project | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Iowa State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Johns Hopkins University, Center for American Indian Health | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Kent State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Local2030 Islands Network | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Environmental Solutions Initiative | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age at San Diego State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Millennium Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Missouri State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Montclair State University | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Montgomery College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Moravian University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Morehouse College, Department of Economics | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
National Council for Science and the Environment | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
New Markets Lab | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
New School Department of Economics | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
New York Academy of Sciences | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Newborn Foundation | United States | United States | Research Institution |
North American Association for Environmental Education | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
North Carolina A&T State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Northeast-Midwest Institute | United States | United States | Research Institution |
Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Northwestern University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Ohio State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Oregon State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Penn State University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Prairie View A&M University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Presidio Graduate School | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Purdue University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Rollins College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Rollins College, Department of Social Entrepreneurship | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness, DePaul University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Rutgers University - Newark | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Saybrook University, Department of Business Administration | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
School of Education, Howard University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California San Diego | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Second Nature | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
SIMA Studios / SIMA Classroom | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Smith College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Smithsonian Science Education Center/Smithsonian Institution | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Social Impact Movement | United States | United States | Civil Society Organization |
Solar Head of State | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Southwest Florida Community Foundation | United States | United States | Foundation/Donor Organization |
St. Francis College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
St. Olaf College | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
SUNY Buffalo, Global Health Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
SUNY Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Sustainable Development Institute | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Sustainable Systems Analysis Group, University of California, Irvine | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Texas A&M, Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture & Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
The Community Solution (TCS) Education System | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
The George Washington University | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
U.S Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
UNA Greater Philadelphia Chapter | United States | United States | Civil Society Organization |
UNA-USA PUERTO RICO CHAPTER | United States | United States | Civil Society Organization |
United Nations Association Northern New Jersey Chapter | United States | United States | Civil Society OrganizationNon-Governmental Organization |
United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA) | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Arecibo | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University at Albany, Office of Sustainability | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Alabama at Birmingham | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Alabama, Center for Sustainable Infrastructure | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Alaska Southeast, School of Arts & Sciences | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Arizona, MDP Program | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of California Berkeley | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of California Davis | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of California Los Angeles, World Policy Analysis Center | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Central Florida Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Chicago | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research Institution |
University of Colorado Boulder | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Connecticut | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Delaware | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Florida | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Hawaii Manoa | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Earth, Society & Environment | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Illinois, Chicago | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute)Research Institution |
University of Kansas, Work Group for Community Health and Development | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Louisville Envirome Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Miami Business School | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Michigan, School for Environment and Sustainability | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Minnesota | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Nebraska, Lincoln | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Nevada Las Vegas, The School of School of Public Policy and Leadership | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of North Dakota | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Notre Dame | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Oregon | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Pennsylvania, Environmental Innovations Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Pittsburgh | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Puerto Rico | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Redlands | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of South Carolina | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of South Dakota, Department of Sustainability & Environment | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of South Florida, Patel College of Global Sustainability | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Tennessee Knoxville | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of the People | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of the Virgin Islands | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Utah, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin School of Business & Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Viridis Graduate Institute, Ecopsychology and Environmental Humanities | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Walker College of Business, Appalachia State university | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Wesleyan University, College of the Environment | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies | United States | United States | University (Department/Institute) |
Zakat Foundation of America | United States | United States | Non-Governmental Organization |
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SDSN Focal Point