Report on Capacity-Building Project with DANE, Colombia’s National Department of Statistics
The report explains the topics and themes developed during the workshop. Additionally, it focuses on the main findings and conclusions emerging from course results and evaluation inputs that will provide a framework for future needs and requirements support to the NSO from Data for Now or another capacity-building initiative that may provide cooperation to DANE either directly offered by a cooperant or self-seek and promoted by the NSO. The report identifies the strengths and challenges of the NSO facing new demands and requirements for improving poverty measurements under the umbrella of new theoretical and methodological approaches to the observed phenomenon and its variable, emergence of sophisticated tools and instruments to monitor and measure and forecast poverty conditions and the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals scope. Finally, the report presents a set of potential future projects and ideas that may emerge, develop and grow in the coming weeks and months, that should probably be monitored by the cooperant, arising from the installed capacities within the NSO technical teams.
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