Decarbonisation Pathways for Singapore (Phase 2.1 report)

In this study, we focus on an important aspect, the power sector. The power sector is critical as it is the foundational pillar of the entire economy’s transition to a net zero economy. Moreover, there is the presence of the energy trilemma, highlighting the need to balance environmental sustainability, energy reliability and affordability. This underscores the significance of conducting a comprehensive study within the region. Through this study, we aim to assess potential pathways to decarbonising Singapore’s power sector within the ASEAN Green Future project. Currently, the 2050 Energy Committee Report by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) has described a set of potential scenarios through which Singapore could achieve net-zero emissions in the power sector by 2050 (EMA, 2022a). We add on to the discussion by examining different pathways and linkages within the region. We would like to underscore that these simulations are hypothetical and serve as an academic exercise which do not necessarily reflect our position on the best way to achieve net zero. The goal of this paper is to explore different possibilities that can facilitate policy discussions. As such, we clearly lay out all definitions and assumptions used.

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