SDSN Europe

regional Network
Region: Europe

Established in 2020, SDSN Europe mobilizes and coordinates the knowledge and science across SDSN networks in Europe in support of a sustainable and resilient European recovery. With 19 national and regional networks of universities and knowledge institutions in the EU and over 540 member organizations across the entire continent, SDSN Europe supports and advocates for the alignment of European policies with the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. The network is co-chaired by three leaders from the region which include Adolf Kloke-Lesch (SDSN Germany), Angelo Riccaboni (SDSN Mediterranean), and Phoebe Koundouri (SDSN Greece)

Key activities undertaken by the network include collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on evaluating the EU's leadership on the SDGs via joint workshops and delivering an exploratory opinion to the Spanish Presidency.

The Network Hosts the SDSN European Green Deal Senior Working Group

This working group, led by the SDSN’s President Jeffrey Sachs and Leadership Council Member and Co-Chair of SDSN Europe, Professor Phoebe Koundouri, convenes leading academics and stakeholders to mobilize expertise for the successful implementation of the European Green Deal.

The Network Supports Systemic Climate Solutions and Innovation

SDSN Europe works closely with the European Commission and local partners on several projects aimed at establishing systemic solutions and innovations to improve climate resilience and adaptation across Europe. This include ARSINOE, IMPETUS, Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Metropolitan Regions of Europe (CARMINE), and the CATALYST network.

Collaboration on the Annual Europe Sustainable Development Report

For the past several years, SDSN Europe Co-Chairs have worked with the SDSN's SDG Transformation Center and the European Economic and Social Committee to produce the Europe Sustainable Development Report (ESDR). The ESDR includes the SDG Index and Dashboards and tracks progress on the SDGs of the EU, its Member States, and partner countries in Europe.

Featured News

Launch of SDSN Europe

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Adolf Kloke-Lesch

  • Co-Chair, SDSN Europe and Associate Fellow and Senior Advisor at German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
  • SDSN Europe and IDOS

Phoebe Koundouri

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Europe

María Cortés Puch

  • Vice President of the Networks Program
  • SDSN Leadership

Andrija Erac

  • Head of Networks
  • Networks Program

Elena Crete

  • Head of the Climate & Energy Program

Gaëlle Descloîtres

  • Program Associate
  • Networks Program

Zofia Kunysz

  • Project Manager
  • Networks Program

Angelo Riccaboni

  • Co Chair, SDSN Europe and Chair, SDSN Mediterranean
  • University of Siena & Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Foundation