Northern Europe

regional Network
Region: Europe

SDSN Northern Europe mobilizes local knowledge to advance viable solutions to sustainable development challenges in the Nordic region. Hosted by Wexsus (West Sweden Nexus for Sustainable Development), the network was established in 2016 and includes members from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Key focus areas include supporting education for sustainable development through the SDG Impact Assessment Tool, now available in multiple languages; strengthening global cooperation by facilitating knowledge exchange and project development with other SDSN networks; and showcasing university-led sustainability initiatives through member meetings. Additional efforts include promoting Nordic research collaboration and leading advocacy campaigns, such as supporting the Dark Sky International's efforts to raise awareness of light pollution.

Network-to-Network Collaboration Leads to Assessment Tool Translation

The SDG Impact Assessment Tool has been available in English since 2019. To allow more people to use the tool, the SDSN Northern Europe secretariat organized a project that made the tool available in seven languages. With help from the SDSNs of Amazonia, Germany, Italy, Mediterranean, and Spain, the tool can now be used in English, Swedish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.

Impact Assessment Evaluation Enables Cross-departmental Collaboration

To stimulate municipalities and cities to plan operations and projects in alignment with the SDGs, the applicability of the SDG Impact Assessment Tool was evaluated in six municipalities in Sweden and Finland. Participants in the project found the tool useful and easy to use. They also found that it was easier to create cross-departmental collaboration within their municipalities when applying the tool.

SDSN Northern Europe Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
2022 Initiative Foundation Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Foundation/Donor Organization
Aalborg University, Department of Planning Denmark Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Baltic University Programme Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Bio4Energy Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Blekinge Institute of Technology Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Centre for Environment and Development Studies Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Chalmers University of Technology Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Copenhagen Business School - Department of Management, Society and Communication Denmark Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
CSR West Sweden Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Demos Research Institute Finland Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
DTU Management, Department of Technology, Management and Economics Denmark Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Environmental Physiotherapy Association Norway Northern EuropeEurope Civil Society Organization
Finnish Environment Institute Finland Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Gothenburg Center for Sustainable Development, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Halmstad University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Hanken School of Economics Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Inclusive Business Sweden Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
International Sustainable Development Research Society Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Jönköping University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Karlstads Universitet Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Karolinska Institutet Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Kristianstad University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Linköping University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Linnaeus University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Lund University IIIEE Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Malmö University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Norden Association Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Nordregio Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Norwegian Directorate of Health, Department of global health Norway Northern EuropeEurope
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Oslo Metropolitan University - OsloMet Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Royal College of Music in Stockholm Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
SAFER - vehicle and traffic safety centre at Chalmers Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
ScanBalt Denmark Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization
Södertörn University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Stockholm International Water Institute Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Stockholm University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Sustainable Environmental Solutions - Sweden Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Civil Society Organization
Sustory - Sustainability Story Finland Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental OrganizationCivil Society Organization
Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Swedish Life Cycle Center Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Government Agency
Tampere University Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
The Kivik's Museum & Archives Foundation Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
Umeå University Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
United Nations Association of Sweden Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Civil Society Organization
University of Bergen Norway Northern EuropeEurope Research Institution
University of Borås Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Copenhagen Sustainability Science Centre Denmark Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Eastern Finland Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Helsinki Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Iceland, Department of Economics Iceland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Oulu Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Skövde Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Southern Denmark Denmark Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University of Turku Finland Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
University West Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
West Sweden Nexus for Sustainable Development (Wexsus) Sweden Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Western Norway Research Institute (WNRI) Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Department of Business Administration Norway Northern EuropeEurope University (Department/Institute)
WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award Sweden Northern EuropeEurope Non-Governmental Organization

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Katherine Richardson

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Northern Europe

Holger Wallbaum

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Northern Europe

Martin Eriksson

  • Network Manager
  • SDSN Northern Europe

Anders Ahlbäck

  • Project Manager
  • SDSN Northern Europe

Hilda Klingvall

  • Member Coordinator
  • SDSN Northern Europe

Nina Silow

  • Communications Officer
  • SDSN Northern Europe

SDSN Focal Point

Gaëlle Descloîtres

  • Program Associate
  • Networks Program