China Hub
national Network
Asia & Pacific
SDSN China Hub, hosted by the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG) and established in 2019, mobilizes its members in China and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Key focus areas include organizing monthly SDG information sessions with stakeholders to increase awareness, launching calls for proposals for innovative solutions from across the country/region under the Universities for SDGs13 competition, and maintaining the partnership between Tsinghua University’s MOOC team and SDSN’s SDG Academy to encourage lifelong learning about sustainable development.

SDSN China Hub Network Members
Organization | Country | Network | Sector |
CAREC Institute | China | China Hub | Research Institution |
Centre for Marine Affairs Studies, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology | Taiwan,China | China Hub | Research InstitutionUniversity (Department/Institute) |
Chaoyang University of Technology | China,Taiwan | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) | China | China Hub | Non-Governmental OrganizationFoundation/Donor Organization |
China SUC Institute | China | China Hub | Civil Society Organization |
Duke Kunshan University | China | China Hub | University (Institution-wide) |
Foundation Of Taiwan Industry Service(FTIS) | China,Taiwan | China Hub | Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization |
ICARE - Institute for Clean And Renewable Energy | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG) | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Institute of Environment and Resources | China,Taiwan | China Hub | Research InstitutionNon-Governmental Organization |
International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Nanhua University | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
National Taiwan University - International Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development | China,Taiwan | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
New York University - Shanghai | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
School of Geographic Science, East China Normal University | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Shandong University | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE), Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy | China,Taiwan | China Hub | Non-Governmental Organization |
University Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, China Medical University (hereafter in abbreviation with CMU USR-SD) | China,Taiwan | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
X-Institute | China | China Hub | University (Department/Institute) |
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