
national Network
Region: Africa

SDSN Benin, hosted by the University of Abomey-Calavi and established in 2022, mobilizes its members in Benin and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Key focus areas include the dissemination of the 2023 Sustainable Development Report in Benin, to make the results of investments and initiatives accessible to a wider audience, thereby generating strong support for upcoming actions to leverage new technologies and consciously work to advance the SDGs.

Network Hosts

Stakeholders Meet to Showcase and Discuss Benin's SDGs Achievements

SDSN Benin organized workshops on December 6th and 8th, 2023, to disseminate the 2023 Sustainable Development Report. Held at the Conference Hall of the Departmental Prefecture of Collines and the Etisalat Amphitheater of the University of Abomey-Calavi, the events aimed to showcase Benin's SDG achievements and foster collaboration among stakeholders. Attendees included local officials, ministry representatives, civil society, and researchers. The workshops featured report presentations and thematic discussions, yielding actionable recommendations for SDG progress in Benin.

SDG Innovations Seminar Encourages Collaboration Among Key Stakeholders

In 2023, SDSN Benin organized a seminar at the National School of Applied Economics and Management (ENEAM) to foster collaboration among stakeholders in Benin on SDG-linked innovations like Guev Cooker. It featured presentations, impact evaluations, and discussions on scaling innovations. Attendees included researchers, civil society, and state actors. The seminar, structured with opening and closing ceremonies, highlighted SDSN Benin's dedication to advancing SDGs through innovation and collaboration.

SDSN Benin Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Laboratory of Public Economics - University of Abomey-Calavi Benin Benin Research Institution
Tonafa Institute Benin Benin Non-Governmental Organization
Universite D'Abomey–Calavi (UAC) Benin Benin University (Department/Institute)
University of Abomey-Calavi Benin Benin University (Department/Institute)

Featured News

Featured Resources


Félicien Avlessi

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Benin

Jude Eggoh

  • Co-Chair
  • SDSN Benin

Dr. Achille Barnabé Assouto

  • Co-Network Manager
  • SDSN Benin

Nadia Fanou Fogny

  • Co-Network Manager
  • SDSN Benin

SDSN Focal Point

Samory Toure

  • Economic Analyst
  • SDG Transformation Center