Young Entrepreneurs and the Opportunity for Agri-food Social Enterprises in Indonesia

The event invited speakers to provide practical and theoretical knowledge on the challenges and opportunity for social enterprises in agriculture. As a form of collaboration with experts beyond SDSN members, the webinar invited Larissa Sidarto , a representative of HARA. Hara is one of the leading agri-tech youth start-ups in Indonesia. The webinar also hosted Budi Satria Isman , a well-known entrepreneur; Prof. Asep Saefuddin, Rector of University of Al-Azhar Indonesia ; and Prof. Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University.

Webinar speakers discussed the importance of integrating technology with social business and encouraged more youth to build their capacity as entrepreneurs. The opportunity for agri-food business is widely available, and with the help of technology, it may improve the lives of local farmers in Indonesia and solve food security issues.

Professor Arif Satri of IPB University discussed the efforts to create an ecosystem to facilitate and provide support to implement students’ business ideas. In addition, Prof. Asep from the University of Al-Azhar Indonesia also shared the theoretical knowledge to accelerate the SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), using Romer’s endogenous growth theory approach, which explains the advancement in technology in producing more growth.

The audience also had the time to learn from the experiences of Larissa Sidarto and Budi Satria Isman. Sidarto shared HARA’s vision to connect rural smallholder farmers with banks, insurance companies, and input producers using shared data—promoting inclusive sustainable growth and contributing to economic prosperity to local ‘agri-preneurs’. She also described several challenges farmers often face, such as the unpredictability of the harvesting season, which can be address through their Crop Insurance product. Isman also promoted the case study of Blue Korintji Coffee , a coffee brand with the aim to conserve Kerinci Seblat National Park and empower communities, supporting an entrepreneurial mindset along the way.

SDSN Indonesia is committed to strengthen engagement with members and provide a platform in knowledge transfer for various issues within the SDGs implementation. For video recording and presentation, learn more through SDSN Indonesia’s Youtube Channel and material (English & Indonesian).