Winter Updates from SDSN Switzerland

Over the last months of 2021, the network has managed to amplify voices and actions for sustainable development in Switzerland. In 2022, SDSN Switzerland will continue to support new initiatives and solutions that foster cooperation among its members and partners.

Foundation of the all-party parliamentary group for the SDGs

SDSN Switzerland initiated the all-party parliamentary group for the SDGs, with SDSN Switzerland acting as the secretariat. The foundation of the all-party parliamentary group on November 30th was a great success: An exceptionally large number of parliamentarians from all major parties were mobilized. Find the media release in German and French.

SDSN Switzerland Co-Director speaks to the federal administration on the implementation of the Agenda 2030

On January 25, the SDSN Switzerland co-director Carole Küng has been invited to speak to 170 employees of the federal administration in an internal event on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.During the meeting, Ms. Küng presented some of the upcoming opportunities stemming from the newly created parliamentary group on the SDGs.She showed by means of pioneering examples how the parliament and the administration can tackle the Agenda 2030 as an opportunity to solve the most urgent challenges of our generation in time.

SDSN's Expert Panel for the Future of Food in Switzerland

SDSN Switzerland initiated an Expert Panel for the Future of Food in Switzerland, uniting Swiss expertise for a sustainable transformation of our food system. Panel members are experts from Agroscope , FIBL , EPFL , the University of Bern , ZHAW , and many other leading institutions. The panel defines shared goals and integrated solutions for a more sustainable food system in Switzerland, in line with the SDGs. A white paper with systemic policy recommendations shall be presented to the new SDG-parliamentary group and should serve as scientific basis for a new Food Policy of the Swiss government.

SDSN Switzerland New Solution Initiative: Curriculum Change @ Business Education

The integration of sustainability knowledge and sustainability competencies in business courses in Switzerland is yet to be strengthened. Indeed, time has come to properly equip students to face our societal and economical sustainability-related challenges - both current and upcoming. To this end, the initiative of the University of St. Gallen , the University of Lausanne , the Bern University of Applied Sciences , and WWF Switzerland aims to develop a network of committed economic and management experts, an open-access platform with learning material, best practices, and other diverse tools, as well as continuing education workshops for lecturers.

SDSN Switzerland New Solution Initiative: Campus4Biodiversity

The experimental teaching project Campus4Biodiversity aims to sensitize future actors in the construction industry to the problem and provide them with knowledge, tools, and networks to work to increase biodiversity in urban spaces. The students acquire specialist knowledge on the topic of biodiversity during the lessons and develop solutions for selected urban or industrial spaces in interdisciplinary teams using project-based learning. The teaching approach will be implemented at universities of applied sciences and universities with specializations in the construction sector. Project partners are the Bern University of Applied Sciences, SCNAT, and scaling4good .

Conference on commodity and gold trading co-hosted by SDSN Switzerland: How can illicit financial flows be curbed?

At the invitation of SDSN Switzerland and several research institutes, a conference on illicit financial flows in commodity trading was held at the University of Bern . The results of two research projects were discussed with representatives from science, policy, industry and civil society, and courses of action were identified. Please find the media release in English and German.
Find out more about SDSN Switzerland and subscribe to their newsletter here.