Virtual Barcamp on Reducing Inequalities and Inclusive COVID-19 Recovery by SDSN & GIZ

The COVID-19 pandemic has shockingly revealed existing inequalities, as well as social, economic and racial injustice, and is expected to further intensify them in the long term. For the first time in 20 years, global extreme poverty is expected to rise as the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic hit countries worldwide. Thus, the pandemic presents a severe danger for the achievement of the Agenda 2030 during the Decade of Action. Against this backdrop, SDSN in collaboration with the GIZ support project organized a virtual Barcamp from 25 to 27 May 2021 in which SDSN network managers and members collaboratively developed scalable solutions for reducing inequalities and an inclusive COVID-19 recovery. During the two-day event, around 20 participants from over 10 different countries were able to attend joint sessions and group meetings adjusted to their time zones.

The virtual Barcamp started with a panel discussion between Moizza Binat Sarwar from the Overseas Development Institute and Jessica Espey from the University of Bristol and former Director of SDSN TReNDS, who provided insights on the importance of an inclusive COVID-19 recovery. Afterwards, the innovative format offered an open space for exchange between the participants on their individual ideas whilst receiving feedback from civil society and academic experts backing the event (so called ‘Leave No One Behind’ Guides). Through the Barcamp format, the project owners were able to discuss their ideas in a collaborative manner before receiving feedback and ideas for improvements from other participants. Additionally, the Barcamp format encouraged the participants to create synergies between their projects and form networks. In the end, the three-day event concluded with nine scalable initiatives that will be presented to a professional jury for further selection until October 2021.

The virtual Barcamp represents the kick-off event to a nine-month long Initiatives Lab process in which the most promising solutions will receive funding and support for implementation. Until March 2022, around one to two scalable solutions will be implemented through the respective project owners in collaboration with GIZ and SDSN partners.