Transforming Australia: New SDG Progress Report

The Transforming Australia: SDG Progress Report was developed by SDSN Australia, New Zealand & Pacific in partnership with the National Sustainable Development Council and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute. The comprehensive report measures Australia’s progress towards meeting the SDGs, and identifies where Australia is performing well and where it is not on track. Drawing from the experience of many stakeholders from business, universities, and NGOs, it provides a trustworthy, data-driven evidence base to stimulate public conversation about Australia’s future.

Findings from the report show that Australia’s progress on achieving the SDGs by 2030 has been mixed. About one-third of the indicators were determined to be on track, more than one-third needed improvement or a breakthrough, and one-quarter are off-track or deteriorating. There is strong progress in the areas of health and education, but poor performance in addressing inequality, tackling climate change, and housing affordability. The report also highlights key challenges in achieving Australia’s economic goals, with relatively low investment in research and development and innovation, increasing underemployment, and high levels of household debt.

The Report was launched in Melbourne on the 5th of September at an event hosted by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). At the launch, SDSN AusNZPac Chair, Professor John Thwaites, said “It is clear that Australia has a considerable way to go to achieving most of the SDGs, and that this will require a major change from business as usual. This report aims to assist all people and organisations to contribute to planning for and shaping a better and more sustainable Australia.”

More information as well as the Transforming Australia: SDG Progress Report is available online.