The SPA Youth Advisory Committee Has Officially Launched!

On September 20, 2024, the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) proudly launched its inaugural Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) on occasion of the UN Summit of the Future Action Day 1 themed “#YouthLead for the Future” in New York City. The event brought together a diverse group of young scientists and leaders committed to amplifying the voices and experiences of youth in promoting the conservation of the Amazon.

A Momentous Occasion

The launch event began with a warm welcome by Ms. Emma Torres, SPA Strategic Coordinator, who provided an overview of the YAC's mission and its vital role in advancing SPA's objectives. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Convener of the Science Panel for the Amazon, joined via Zoom to deliver inspiring opening remarks, highlighting the significance of youth engagement in global sustainability.

Dr. Marielos Peña-Claros, SPA Co-Chair, followed with a heartfelt message of encouragement for the YAC members, setting the stage for their impactful contributions. Notably, remarks were also delivered by Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa, member of the SPA Strategic Committee and Former President of the UNGA, and Mr. Roberto Waack, also a SPA Strategic Committee Member and Board Member of the Arapyaú Institute. Both emphasized the importance of youth leadership in conservation efforts, highlighting the dreams and ambitions of young people as a guiding light for sustainable development.

The ceremony featured a symbolic kickoff, during which each YAC member received a welcome gift and introduced themselves, sharing their vision for the future of the Amazon. Soon after, YAC representatives collectively delivered their first message, emphasizing their commitment to supporting the SPA's efforts and mobilizing the next generation of scientists and leaders in the region.

Following the official launch, attendees enjoyed a one-hour reception, providing an excellent opportunity for networking and discussions among young leaders, scientists, and partner organizations.

YAC Internal Meetings

In conjunction with the launch, the YAC convened for internal meetings at the SDSN New York Office. On September 20, Dr. Marielos Peña-Claros and Ms. Emma Torres presented key information about SPA and the YAC. Members participated in various group-building activities, fostering camaraderie and showcasing the rich diversity of skills within the group.

The following day, YAC members met again to begin developing their work plan. Guided by Dr. Carlos Nobre and Dr. Marielos Peña-Claros, Co-Chairs of the SPA, the group discussed priority activities for the remainder of the year. The Committee's work will focus on three main categories: Knowledge Sharing, Science Communication, and Representation and Networking.

Meet the YAC Members

The YAC comprises 13 dynamic individuals from various amazonian countries, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise:

  1. Maryane Bento Trindade de Andrade - Brazil
  2. Joao Pedro Braga - Brazil
  3. Alejandra Gonzales Rocabado - Bolivia
  4. Carla Daniela Guevara Inga - Ecuador
  5. Soraya Jhagroe - Suriname
  6. Meset Fernando Mashingashi Unkuch - Ecuador
  7. Beka Munduruku - Brazil
  8. Gustavo Nascimento - Brazil
  9. Pedro Neves de Castro - Brazil
  10. Nohora Alejandra Quiguantar - Colombia
  11. Criseyda Roman Cordova - Peru
  12. Anaïs Salabert - French Guiana
  13. Felipe Storch de Oliveira - Brazil

Looking Ahead

As the YAC embarks on its journey, the SPA is eager to see how this dynamic group develops and strengthens the engagement between the Panel and youth across the Amazon. By providing a platform for youth to express their ideas and take action, the YAC has the potential to enhance the Panel's outreach and impact. The Panel looks forward to witnessing the creative initiatives that will emerge from the YAC, which will ultimately contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for #TheAmazonWeWant.

YAC members with SPA Co-Chair Marielos Peña-Claros
Professor Jeffrey Sachs offers insights during SPA YAC launch