The 2018 Index and Dashboards Report in World News

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The third edition of the SDG Index and Dashboards Report was launched at the High-Level Political Forum on July 17th. Co-produced annually by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) the report provides global insights on how countries perform on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Overall, the 2018 SDG Index and Dashboards Report was discussed in 150+ news articles in more than 30 countries . In addition, the report got high visibility online including on social media platforms. Three key messages were primarily picked up by journalists:

  • No country is on track for achieving all of the SDGs
  • Stronger leadership from G20 countries is needed
  • Sustainable consumption and production require urgent actions

Examples of global and country specific news articles are provided below.



 The US and Russia are doing the least to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 


 Q&A: Economist Jeffrey Sachs on jumpstarting lagging SDG progress

Fast Company

 The Sustainable Development Goals are slipping out of reach

National Coverage

The Conversation (Australia)

 Australia falls further in rankings on progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals

Canadian Geographic

 Canada’s sustainability progress held back by eco issues

Frankfurter Allgemeine (Germany)

 Deutschland kommt bei Nachhaltigkeits-Zielen voran  [Translation: Germany is making progress in its sustainability goals]

Mint (India)

 India needs a better report card to meet SDG targets on healthcare

Slovenia Times

 Slovenia 8th in reaching sustainable development goals [includes statement from Minister Alenka Smerkolj]

El Pais (Spain)

 España pasa examen ante la ONU: ni aprueba ni suspende, promete

CNN (United States)

 America is falling far behind on key world goals