September 2024 Spotlight - Celebrating Jessica Crist!

Through our employee spotlight campaign, the SDSN showcases our amazing employees and volunteers to honor and celebrate the incredible strides they are making toward advancing SDSN's mission.

This month, we are spotlighting Jessica Crist, Education Manager for SDG Academy! We asked Jessica five questions about herself and her work with the SDSN. Read on to learn more.

Which SDG are you most passionate about?

SDG 4: Quality Education

What is the best part about working at SDSN?

Working with likeminded people who are equally as passionate about creating a sustainable future for our world.

What is something that you are proud to have accomplished while working at SDSN?

At the end of 2023, the SDG Academy published a special issue of the International Journal of Educational Development titled "Critical Perspectives at the Midpoint of the SDG 4: Progress, Promises and Pitfalls." The special issue brought together top experts in the field of education and sustainable development to share their commentaries on SDG 4. A successful launch webinar alongside the 2023 SDG Summit garnered attention and interest from many academics, scholars, and professionals in the field.

Read the special issue here:

In one word, describe the 2030 Agenda.


What is a fun fact about you? What’s something others might not know about you?

I love to write and hope to one day publish a horror novel!