Seawall Competition Winners Announced- Solutions to Scale

Testing ideas, documenting success and scaling initiatives are critical to making progress on the SDGs. Many organizations are supporting various efforts for countries to accelerate progress by piloting innovative solutions which address some of the world’s pressing issues. Within this context, the SDSN Southeast Asia network, in partnership with Hero X, launched the Island of Happiness Coastal Design Competition , the first in a series of sustainability initiatives planned for the Kura Kura Bali Island of Happiness.

The competition encouraged cross-sector thinking, multi-stakeholder collaboration and innovative thinking. The selected seawall protection plans will serve a variety of ecological services, and provide the necessary protective infrastructure to respond to the ever-increasing rise of sea levels and storm intensities.

The competition received forty-two proposals which were reviewed by a team of experts. Of the forty-two submissions, seven of them received monetary prizes for their demonstration of excellence and innovative thinking. Three of the selected seven will move to phase two of the projects to test their robustness and scalability. Two teams will be assembled to work on developing and testing a prototype to bring the ideas to life. To learn more about the three innovations that will be tested in the lab during the next phase, please see here.