SDSN Türkiye Celebrates 10th Anniversary
On Friday, December 27, 2024, SDSN Türkiye celebrated its 10th anniversary with a meeting at Boğaziçi University, its host university since 2014. The event and members meeting — attended by the Rectors, Vice-Rectors, and focal points from SDSN Türkiye member universities, as well as representatives from the public, private sector, and civil society — was held under the theme of “UN SDSN Türkiye Network Members’ Work in Light of COP29 and Current Developments”.
Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Naci İnci
The event opened with speeches from Boğaziçi University President and SDSN Türkiye President Prof. Dr. Mehmet Naci İnci and SDSN President Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Naci İnci noted that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have created an important field of work for universities, and he stated that a transformative perspective and creative solutions are needed to ensure the sustainability of ecosystems.
Prof. İnci also stressed the great responsibility of universities. “As universities, we must be sustainability leaders not only to appear better in the indexes but also through joint efforts that will benefit society, the environment, and the economy,” said Prof. Dr. İnci. “In this context, we must urgently develop solutions by sharing our knowledge and experience through local, national, and international collaborations. While we produce solutions based on knowledge and scientific evidence and develop technology and innovations, we have also assumed a very important responsibility in educating the generations who will experience global problems much more severely in the coming period.”
Prof. İnci stated that the successful realization of green, digital, and social transformation requires education and science to be prioritized. He emphasized that universities play a key role in creating short-, medium-, and long-term strategies to ensure Türkiye's policies are compatible with the 2053 Net Zero Vision, Climate Policy, Green Deal Action Plan, and Twelfth Development Plan, and ensuring a just transition.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
In his remarks, SDSN President Prof. Jeffrey Sachs drew attention to the important role that SDSN Türkiye plays in promoting the sustainability agenda in Türkiye and the region and in mobilizing stakeholders. Prof. Sachs thanked all members and stakeholders in Türkiye who contributed to the work of SDSN Türkiye.
Prof. Sachs highlighted the importance of two issues in his assessment of the past 10 years. First, he emphasized that university networks are of vital importance in advancing the sustainability agenda. He stated that to make progress in sustainable development, countries need the educational programs offered by universities, and the innovative approaches and technology they develop.
Secondly, Prof. Sachs touched upon the importance of developing regional cooperation between countries and their neighbors. He stated that Türkiye — which has been at the center of critical regions and the intersection of the world throughout history — has been indispensable for the Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, and Middle East regions. He emphasized that Türkiye, which is a bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa, has a unique geopolitical position and a leadership role in sustainable development. He noted that SDSN Türkiye will contribute to the advancement of peace and sustainability agenda by bringing together university, public, private sector, and civil society networks in the Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, and BRICS regions, as well as Türkiye.
COP29 and the Sustainability Agenda
In the first session of the meeting, titled “COP29 and the Sustainability Agenda,” SDSN Türkiye Director Prof. Dr. Gürkan Kumbaroğlu and the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Climate Change Presidency President Prof. Dr. Halil Hasar evaluated the importance of COP29 and the opportunities and challenges it poses.
Prof. Dr. Gürkan S. Kumbaroğlu emphasized the importance of regional peace and cooperation, the role of universities, and the need for financing. During the SDSN Türkiye's panel on the sustainable, secure, and accessible future of energy systems at COP29, the panelists touched on topics such as the integration of regional infrastructures, the development of regional energy trade, the establishment of a diplomatic energy task force and access to finance mechanisms for renewable energy investments.
Prof. Dr. Halil Hasar, Head of Climate Change, stated that the “climate crisis” is at the center of environmental, economic, and social issues, and conveyed that a new economic order is taking shape within the scope of climate negotiations. He evaluated the Baku Climate Unity Pact, which includes the New Collectice Quantifed Goal (NCQG), Sharm el-Sheikh Mitigation Work Program, and Global Adaptation Goal, as well as carbon pricing, loss and damage fund, and technology implementation program.
At COP29, Türkiye presented its Long-Term Climate Strategy and the Biennial Transparency Report covering the 2022-2024 climate change combat and adaptation actions. Prof. Dr. Hasar touched on the negotiations Türkiye is conducting during its candidacy process for COP31 and the initiatives it is a party to.
SDSN Türkiye Members
In the second session of the conference, titled “Sustainability and Green Transformation Practices of UN SDSN Türkiye Members,” representatives of member universities presented their work on the SDGs. Dr. Hasan Özçelik, President of the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK), touched on the importance of corporate sustainability reporting in Türkiye's green transformation process; and emphasized that universities should play a role as main stakeholders in the training to be organized and conveyed the employment opportunities of KGK. Learn more here.