SDSN Spain Leads the Project "Renewables with the Territory: A Shared Vision," a Series of Dialogues to Improve the Implementation of Renewable Energies in Spain

The "Renewables with the territory" project by SDSN Spain seeks to co-create a shared vision among key actors on how the deployment of renewable energies in Spain should be until 2030 and 2050.

As a network of leading sustainable development institutions in the region, SDSN Spain is uniquely positioned as a reference space to address the implementation of renewable energies in the Spanish territory and to serve as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue. Since 2022, the network has been collecting information, analysis, opinions and experiences on the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition in Spain, and convening different actors to share their views and insights on this key topic for the country.

Following the publication of the report "Renewables and territory: inspiring cases to improve their deployment in the territory", SDSN Spain is now focused on building a constructive and proactive roadmap, capable of guiding the actions of public administrations and other key actors in the sector, contributing to balance the narratives around the deployment of renewable energies.

As a next step, from June 2023 to March 2024, the Renewables Initiative will propose a series of actions, including group meetings, interviews, and four dialogue sessions, to promote a rich exchange of views and inspiring proposals to guide the best way to address the processes that follow the implementation of renewable energy plants, overcoming controversies.

Listen to Candela de la Sota, director of SDSN Spain, explain the initiative (in Spanish with subtitles)

One of this project’s objectives is to prepare a Roadmap (or final document) containing the conclusions reached by consensus as a result of the multi-sectoral dialogue process, which will be submitted to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). This document aims to be translated into public policies and regulations that will enable the reduction of environmental, economic, and social problems.

The first dialogue session brought together more than 30 stakeholders from different sectors. Representatives of public administrations, productive sectors, trade unions, and educational and research entities met in the dialogue "Synergies between renewable energies, employment, and local occupation". This first discussion also addressed the correlation between the installation of renewable solar photovoltaic and onshore wind energy projects and job creation in the territories, during the construction process of the plants and in the long term.

This first meeting on "Synergies between renewable energies, employment, and local employment" will be followed by other multi-sectoral dialogue sessions on biodiversity and landscape, governance, and local development, which will take place throughout the year.

Learn more about this initiative on the SDSN Spain website (in Spanish).