SDSN Spain Launches the Report ‘Renewable Energies: Inspiring Cases to Improve their Deployment in the Territory’

SDSN Spain’s most recent publication showcases 15 cases of good practices in the implementation of renewable energies in several regions in Spain.

The Spanish chapter of SDSN (REDS-SDSN Spain) has issued a report on how to improve the process of renewable energy deployment in Spain. The report, titled ‘Renewable energies: inspiring cases to improve their deployment in the territory’, includes fifteen cases of good practices in the implementation of renewable energies in Spain that are considered exemplary due to their ability to establish a multi stakeholder dialogue, including public administrations, businesses and other interested parties, and ensure benefits are shared with the communities in which these facilities are developed. The cases come from Navarra, Aragón, Castilla y Leon, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Murcia, Illes Balears and Catalunya.

Download the report (in Spanish)

Renewables, shared visions, and pending issues

More than 70% of the energy consumed in Spain today comes from fossil fuels, including coal, gas and oil, almost all of which are imported (source: Ministry for the Ecological Transition, MITECO, 2022). In response, Spain has established a goal of reaching 42% of renewable energies over the total energy consumed by 2030 and achieving neutrality emissions in 2050 (MITECO, 2020).

Like the 2030 Agenda as a whole, the process of renewable deployment requires a comprehensive approach that includes dialogue and consultation among stakeholders. In order to realize the projection of an exponential growth of renewable installations, improvements in the implementation process, focused on minimizing the negative impacts, maximizing the positive ones, distributing the benefits in a fair and balanced way, and carrying out the processes in a transparent manner and in dialogue with communities are required. Otherwise, we face the risk of rejection, delays in installation and, therefore, the consequent hindering of the energy transition process.

About the launch event

The publication was presented on April 11th, in an event attended by the Third Vice President and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, and the President of REDS-SDSN Spain, Leire Pajín, as well as representatives of public, environmental, and energy entities from different sectors. At the meeting, Teresa Ribera pointed out that "we are in the midst of a very important and necessary public debate because we are experiencing a process of change, a change that has accelerated rapidly due to the speed of climate events". Leire Pajín highlighted the importance of guaranteeing the deployment of renewable energies "so as to generate socioeconomic benefits and minimize the negative impact on the landscape, biodiversity and existing economic activities".

The director of REDS-SDSN Spain and co-author of the report, Candela de la Sota, moderated a debate with David Ribó, co-author of the REDS-SDSN Spain report; Mario Vargas Rodríguez, associate director of fair transition and global alliances at ECODES; José Donoso, general director of UNEF; and Asunción Ruiz, executive director of SEO/BirdLife.

Read the full report (in Spanish)

Learn more information about the initiative and full summary of the event