SDSN Partners with the Global Covenant of Mayors

The Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) are proud to announce a long-term partnership delivering on the Innovate4Cities Call to Action and assisting local governments in advancing the implementation of national and supranational climate commitments. Through this partnership, SDSN will harness its global network of universities and knowledge hubs and serve as a lead partner engaging and convening the academic community to deliver on priority topics identified in the Innovate4Cities agenda. GCoM and SDSN will jointly work together to develop a Scientific Advisory Board for Innovate4Cities and engage all partners to create the next iteration of the Cities and Climate Change Science Conference.

Innovate4Cities: A Global Climate Action Accelerator , is a recently launched initiative responding to the Edmonton Declaration ’s call to action. This bold, new, and city-focused research and innovation agenda addresses critical data, innovation, and technological gaps that will enable cities to take accelerated and more ambitious climate action. It has been co-developed by cities, city networks, scientists and research institutions, and leading private sector entities and focuses on some of the most critical areas to drive climate action in cities. A finalized set of priorities was released the One Planet Summit in New York City in September 2018. GCoM is now working to solidify national government commitments, develop partnerships, and evolve the agenda.