SDSN Mexico at the Mexico Partnerships Forum: Sustainable Territories, Cities and Communities 

On March 17 and 18, the Mexico Partnerships Forum: Territories, cities and sustainable communities was held in Mérida, Yucatán with the aim of launching a Partnerships and Innovation Platform for sustainable territorial development, to advance the formulation of of public policies, strategies and specific instruments to generate actions from within the territories and achieve a path towards sustainable development aimed at reducing inequalities.

" A Forum in Mexico strengthens partnerships between various actors and sectors to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in territories, cities and human settlements. "

For two days, members of various government entities, civil organizations, academia, the private sector and agencies of the United Nations System in Mexico identified challenges, opportunities and ideas for new associations, as well as the strategic dimensions of development in which efficient management of the territories plays a crosscutting role for sustainability and inclusion.

TheUnited NationsResident Coordinator in Mexico, Peter Grohmann, highlighted that "this Platform is of great relevance, given that through partnerships, it seeks to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, in turn, promote the2020-2025Cooperation Framework, in which territories are identified as one of the strategic approaches to close inequality gaps and generate shared prosperity.”

He stressed that territories are a vector of sustainable development. “From the United Nations System in Mexico, we know that, in order to highlight and close inequality gaps, it is key to start from the local dynamics and geographic scales, to know the challenges that prevail in cities and rural areas; and to know how territories condition access to public goods and services that alleviate the needs and rights of all people.”

Dr. José Manuel Saniger Blesa, Secretary of Research and Development of UNAM's Coordination of Scientific Research and co-Chair of the SDSN Mexico, highlighted the work of the national network, with special emphasis on the fact that its greatest contribution lies in its know-how to overcome the challenges at hand. Likewise, he mentioned “we are very clear about the need for much more work to be done and that today we come to this forum with great enthusiasm for the creation of partnerships,” reiterating his commitment both within and outside the forum.

To learn more about SDSN Mexico, please visit