SDSN Korea Signs MoU with 16 Organizations to Rebuild Ukraine

On 29th July 2022, SDSN Korea (hosted by OJERI at Korea University) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 16 organizations from 5 countries to establish a Master Plan for the recovery and development of Ukraine.

The Republic of Korea has the experience of recovering from the damages of war and growing into a developed country. The Republic of Korea actively participates in the recovery and development of Ukraine and intends to share the experience of success with Ukraine.

The 16 parties shall jointly establish the Master Plan for the implementation of the Memorandum at the informal and private level for efficient recovery and development of Ukrainian cities.

The parties involved are:

  • Korean Party:
    • SDSN Korea
    • OJERI at Korea University
    • Gyeongsang National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Group
    • Korea Lift College Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation
    • Eurasia Business Association
    • Green Doctors
    • Joint Committee on Ukraine Support
  • Ukrainian Party:
    • Public union «Hi Tech Office Ukraine»
    • Science Park «Lviv Polytechnic»
    • Public union «Ukrainian International Center for Promotion of Entrepreneurship»
    • Public union «Innovation Development Center»
    • Chambre de commerce internationale – Ukraine
  • Israeli Party:
    • Israel-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Irish Party:
    • Ireland-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • USA party:
    • WSCF(World Smart Cities Forum), Center for Asia Leadership