SDSN Korea Forum (SDSN-KF) Launched in Seoul

The SDSN Korea Forum (SDSN-KF) was launched in Seoul on 7 October 2013. During the public launch a congratulatory message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonwas delivered.

The Korea-KF will focus on three priority areas:

  1. Launch Korean Solution Initiatives for Sustainable Development, e.g.
    • Critical reassessment of the growth rate as Korea’s key performance indicators
    • Modeling Korea’s deep de-carbonization pathways to 2050
    • The 3rd Industrial Revolution approach to the power sector reform
    • Circularizing the economy
    • Searching for technical solutions to reduce the high cost of the social welfare system
  2. Participate in SDSN’s work to develop online educational programs
  3. Develop specialized courses on sustainable development for practitioners in Korea and elsewhere

The SDSN-KF already has over 30 institutional members. It has also created a Leadership Committee, comprising:

  • Dr. Hong-koo Lee, Chairman of Advisory Board: Chairman, Seoul Forum for International Affairs & former Prime Minister.
  • Dr. Soogil Young, Co-Chair and Director: Member of SDSN Leadership Council & former Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth.
  • Dr. Myung-ja Kim, Co-Chair: President of the Green Korea 21 Forum on Environment and Welfare, Chairman of the Korean Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations (KOFWST), former Minister of Environment & a former Member of NA.
  • Prof. Sang-eun Lee, Co-Chair: Chairman of the Local Sustainability Alliance of Korea & President of the Korean Academy of Environmental Science.
  • Prof. Hyun-chin Lim, Co-Chair: Professor of Sociology at Seoul National University & Co-Chair of the Citizens’ Alliance for Economic Justice.
  • Prof. Wook Sun, Co-Chair: Director of the Technological Management Solutions Center of the Next-Generation Convergence Technology Institute, former President of Samsung Technology Institute & Leader of Sharing Happiness Campaign
  • Prof. Kyul-ho Kwak, Auditor: Chaired Professor of Environment at Sejong University & former Minister of Environment.

More information on the Korea-KF is available at For questions please write to [email protected].