SDSN Korea Forum (SDSN-KF) Launched in Seoul
The SDSN Korea Forum (SDSN-KF) was launched in Seoul on 7 October 2013. During the public launch a congratulatory message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonwas delivered.
The Korea-KF will focus on three priority areas:
- Launch Korean Solution Initiatives for Sustainable Development, e.g.
- Critical reassessment of the growth rate as Korea’s key performance indicators
- Modeling Korea’s deep de-carbonization pathways to 2050
- The 3rd Industrial Revolution approach to the power sector reform
- Circularizing the economy
- Searching for technical solutions to reduce the high cost of the social welfare system
- Participate in SDSN’s work to develop online educational programs
- Develop specialized courses on sustainable development for practitioners in Korea and elsewhere
The SDSN-KF already has over 30 institutional members. It has also created a Leadership Committee, comprising:
- Dr. Hong-koo Lee, Chairman of Advisory Board: Chairman, Seoul Forum for International Affairs & former Prime Minister.
- Dr. Soogil Young, Co-Chair and Director: Member of SDSN Leadership Council & former Chairman of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth.
- Dr. Myung-ja Kim, Co-Chair: President of the Green Korea 21 Forum on Environment and Welfare, Chairman of the Korean Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations (KOFWST), former Minister of Environment & a former Member of NA.
- Prof. Sang-eun Lee, Co-Chair: Chairman of the Local Sustainability Alliance of Korea & President of the Korean Academy of Environmental Science.
- Prof. Hyun-chin Lim, Co-Chair: Professor of Sociology at Seoul National University & Co-Chair of the Citizens’ Alliance for Economic Justice.
- Prof. Wook Sun, Co-Chair: Director of the Technological Management Solutions Center of the Next-Generation Convergence Technology Institute, former President of Samsung Technology Institute & Leader of Sharing Happiness Campaign
- Prof. Kyul-ho Kwak, Auditor: Chaired Professor of Environment at Sejong University & former Minister of Environment.
More information on the Korea-KF is available at For questions please write to [email protected].