SDSN Italy Holds its First Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was intended as a moment of dialogue, discussion, and sharing amongst participants aimed at enhancing the role of research, training, and education for sustainable development at the country level. The meeting was held in the context of Mission 4.7 , the global initiative launched by SDSN during the 2020 Vatican Youth Symposium, to promote the achievement of the SDG 4.7 Target, “Education for sustainable development and Global Citizenship.”

Recognizing the strategic role played by the Italian universities in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, SDSN Italy, in collaboration with the Italian Network of Universities for Sustainable Development ( RUS ), wishes to promote the involvement of young people and its member organizations in research and dissemination activities on sustainability themes. By doing so, the SDSN Italy wishes to also contribute to the implementation of research and educational activities related to the 5 Missions of the 2021-2027 Horizon Europe program and to the issues of climate change, central in this particular historical moment.

The online meeting gathered over 40 participants and allowed the network to set the priorities for its work in 2021-2022.

The Chair of SDSN Italy, Sabina Ratti, opened the annual meeting by presenting the Network and its work within the SDSN global leadership, undertaken, especially in the field of education, training and innovation, in close collaboration with SDSN Mediterranean and other institutions, such as the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS).

Ms. Ratti presented the SDSN's flagship publication, the 2021 Sustainable Development Report and highlighted that, for the first time since the adoption of the SDGs in 2015, the global average SDG Index score for 2020 has decreased from the previous year: a decline driven to a large extent by increased poverty rates and unemployment following the outbreak of the COVID‑19 pandemic. According to the data monitoring activity led by SDSN global, , Ms. Ratti presented the research work conducted by SDSN Italy and its host institutions, FEEM and Santa Chiara Lab on measuring the degree of SDG implementation in Italy at the national and subnational level.

Various reports of the Network and of its host institutions feature select indicators specific to the Italian context which can be used to monitor and measure SDG progress at the sub-national level over time.

Ms. Patrizia Lombardi, President of the Coordination Committee of the Italian Network of Universities for Sustainable Development ( RUS ) stressed the role that universities need to play in the implementation of the SDGs. She presented the work of RUS in bringing together universities and students in achieving sustainability targets.

Marzio Galeotti, Director of Scientific Research at FEEM , presented the role of research and science in the 2021 super year. He specifically addressed the issue of tackling climate change, stressing the need for a global governmental effort towards decarbonisation, especially in view of the next international event COP 26.

Dr. Marco Falzetti, Director of the Agency for the Promotion of European Research ( APRE ) presented the 5 missions of Horizon Europe and the major changes brought to Europe's greatest research and innovation programme. In particular, Dr. Falzetti underlined that future research and innovation in Europe ought to be mission-oriented. Climate, Cancer, Oceans, Cities and Soil are the 5, easily identifiable themes on which the European Commission wishes the knowledge institutions to focus over the coming years.

Prof. Angelo Riccaboni, Chair of Santa Chiara Lab and SDSN Mediterranean, presented the Horizon mission on Soil, Health and Food, entitled “ Caring for Soil is Caring for Life ”. As National Delegate for the mission, he explained that all actors within the society ought to work together to reach the 2030 target of having 75% of all soils in the EU healthy for food, people, nature and climate. Prof. Riccaboni, presented the next steps that they will be taking to combine research and innovation, education and training, investments, and the demonstration of good practices using “Living labs” (experiments and innovation in a laboratory on the ground) and “Lighthouses” (places to showcase good practices).

Giuseppe Mangano, PhD student from the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, presented the pilot project “RCMetro Citizens in Transition”, developed for the Metropolitan Agenda of the Reggio Calabria city in implementing the National and Regional 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy.

Alessandra Bonolini, Professor of Environmental Engineering from the University of Bologna, presented their work on sustainable development, including the recent launch of the local SDG Students Hub, and their report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Laura Cavalli, one of the Network’s Managers and Director of FEEM’s Programme on the Agenda 2030 concluded the meeting by announcing that SDSN Italia will be providing, through September 2021, an italian translation of the SDSN Guide on Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities (2020) which will integrate the first SDSN Guide on Getting Started with the SDGs in the Universities (2017). The publication will support, guide, and inspire the Italian tertiary and higher education sector to achieve Education for Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, she said that, once the Guide is published, the Network would open a call for case studies to collect best practises in the field of education for sustainable development in Italy.

Held online,the event emitted approximately 4.27 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, whereas in an in-person conference each participant would have emitted an estimated 293kg ( source)

Find out more about SDSN Italy on its website.

To become an SDSN member and join SDSN Italy, your institution can apply here.