SDSN Italy & SDSN Youth Mediterranean Partner with LCOY to Make 2021 a Landmark Year for Climate Ambition

SDSN Italy and SDSN Youth Mediterranean became the official community partners of the Local Conference of Youth on Climate Change, LCOY Italia 2021.

LCOY Italia will be one in a series of conferences around the globe promoted by YOUNGO , the children and youth constituency to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Organized ahead of the UNFCCC’s COP26 , LCOY Italia is also part of the All 4 Climate Italy program aimed at making 2021 a landmark year for climate ambition.

Local Conferences of Youth on Climate Change provide a space to boost youth climate action locally and provide input into the international conferences.

Through an experience of capacity building and policy training, young people will develop concrete proposals to face global warming and its consequences in Italy. Organized by the youth and for the youth, the conference prepares young people for their participation in international treaties on climate change.

This year’s Italian edition will take place online from 20 to 26 September, focusing on the different transition challenges to be faced in the next 10 years if the world is to remain within the + 1.5 °C temperature increase compared to pre-industrial levels, as suggested by the IPCC experts. The “Transition” central theme will look into different energy, agri-food, economic and socio-cultural aspects.

The event consists of two phases:

  • The first phase, focused on capacity building, will propose a series of seminars on the various aspects of the central topic of LCOY 2021, Transition;
  • The second phase, organised in working groups, will guide the participants through a creative process that will help them develop new proposals.

The event is open to anyone between 18 and 35 years old.

SDSN Italy and SDSN Youth Mediterranean will actively support LCOY Italia in organizing follow-up initiatives to enhance and share the Italian youth proposals on climate change.