SDSN Ireland Network Contributes to Ireland's UN Voluntary National Review

Shortly after the formal launch of SDSN Ireland in February of 2023, the fledgling network was invited to contribute a chapter on further and higher education for the 2nd Irish Voluntary National Review (VNR) of the Sustainable Development Goals at the request of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

This request provided an opportunity to raise the visibility of SDSN Ireland nationally and globally during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) at UN Headquarters in New York. Through the contribution to the VNR, SDSN Ireland had the opportunity to map and assess the scope and breadth of research, education, and engagement needed to advance the SDGs and the role of the higher education sector in the 2030 Agenda.

Background information for this VNR chapter was obtained through a collaborative process with the Department for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science’s ESD Advisory Group, who were also chapter co-authors. This exercise was an initial baseline survey that will be revisited as SDSN Ireland develops a thematic focus and engages partners to co-create actionable solutions.

Considering that SDSN Ireland is an all-island initiative of Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) and the Republic of Ireland, similar mapping efforts in Northern Ireland are needed to fully assess the strengths and capacities of these higher education institutions. Further, such data will allow for the identification of gaps and opportunities for SDSN Ireland as the network aims to help foster cross-border cooperation and collaboration.

Download the Irish VNR* and related information.

Learn more about the SDSN Ireland Network.

*Section 9.3 Title: Ireland’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Higher and Further Education Advisory Group (Pp 215-221). The contribution of Ireland’s Further and Higher Education Sector to the SDGs.