SDSN Indonesia Explores the Roles of Universities in the Development and Implementation of the SDGs in Indonesia

Depok, 19 November 2019 | On November 13, 2019, The Sustainable Development Goals Hub University of Indonesia (SDGs Hub UI), host of
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Indonesia, organized a half-day workshop titled “Development and Implementation of the SDGs in Indonesia: The Role of the University of Indonesia” to discuss localization of the SDGs. The event was held at Margo Hotel Depok and participants included faculty and staff from the University of Indonesia. The guest speakers for the workshop were Mrs. Nina Sardjunani, Chairman of the SDG Secretariat from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and Mr. Gantjang Amanullah, Statistic Director of People’s Welfare of Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik).

Mrs. Sardjunani provided the current status of development of the global goals in Indonesia, including regulations, a roadmap, partnerships between stakeholders, and progress up-to-date. She also shared ways academia can contribute as one of the stakeholders, such as assisting the design of integrating the SDGs into regional government action planning and implementing internal actions in universities.

Mr. Amanullah from Statistics Indonesia also showed that the data from national surveys were aligning with the key indicators of the SDGs. Of the 214 global indicators to measure the achievement of the SDGs, there were 136 matching data points that had been provided from the national surveys. Mr. Amanullah highlighted the importance of data availability to become the basis of policymaking in order to measure the SDG project implementation, as well as to monitor, evaluate, and compare progress between provinces in Indonesia in implementing the SDGs.

The workshop was a gateway for further planning and collaboration of the SDGs Hub UI. From the discussion, the SDGs Hub UI aims to map research projects that are in line with the implementation of SDGs, to design programs, to mainstream and localize SDG, and to assist the formation of other SDG Centre/Hub in other Indonesian universities.