SDSN Brazil Hosts Annual 3-day Conference

The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) will host SDSN Brazil's annual conference on October 28, 29 and 30, in an online format and open to the public ( BRT time). With the central theme “Cooperation for an equitable future”, the meeting aims to bring together specialists and professionals from areas linked to socio-environmental issues, to discuss the 2030 Agenda and publicize initiatives and solutions that help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To participate it is necessary to make prior registration for each day of the event. Registration at the link:

The 2020 Annual Conference is the first national meeting promoted by PUC-Rio, which in 2019 took on the mission of conducting the activities of SDSN Brazil. The partnership is in accordance with the fundamental principles of the University and is an opportunity to encourage in the field of teaching and research the development of innovative solutions to achieve the goals of the SDGs.

Among the participants are the director and President of SDSN, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, USA, Jeffrey Sachs, the chairman of the SDSN Brazil Leadership Council, Sergio Besserman, the Rector of PUC-Rio, Fr. Josafá Carlos de Siqueira SJ, and the President of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development - CEBDS, Marina Grossi. The opening will be made by the SDSN Brazil Coordinator, Luiz Felipe Guanaes. The complete program is available at here.

Day 1: Challenges and Opportunities of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil


The first day of the Conference aims to present an institutional and global overview of the UN Network of Solutions for Sustainable Development with the Executive Secretariat of SDSN Brazil, in addition to a brief contextualization of the importance of this institutionalization having as headquarters the renowned Pontifical Catholic University of the Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). This day's debate invites for participation some of the agents of collaborative networks to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Brazil.

Day 2: Global Issues and Local Actions


In the second meeting, SDSN Global, its programs and opportunities articulated with the SDSN Brazil member network will be presented to the public. In this sense, through members' testimonies, participants will be able to learn how the experiences of Rede Brasil are being challenged in the face of complex and current social transformations in exchange for promoting initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Day 3: SDSN Brasil and PUC-Rio: Teaching and Research for Sustainable Development


The objective of the last day of the conference is to present the academic initiatives of PUC-Rio as a member of SDSN Brasil and an actor in education for the science of sustainability in its broad teaching and learning initiatives, curricular programs, service support and development centers of the sustainability science.