SDSN Black Sea Leadership Council Engages with the Black Sea Universities Network Alongside the XII Global Baku Forum

This year, the SDSN Black Sea saw representatives from Greece, Türkiye, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine and organized two side events alongside the forum, invited by the organizers, the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC).

The Role of Universities in Promoting Peace and Security in the Extended Black Sea Region

On March 14, 2025, the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), the World Academy of Art & Science, and the SDSN Black Sea Network convened for a discussion on “The Role of Universities in Promoting Peace and Security in the Extended Black Sea Region from the Caucasus to the Balkans.” The event was hosted by the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Eden Mamut Secretary General of the Black Sea Universities Network and Co-Chair of SDSN Romania.

After a brief tour of the campus, the delegation met to discuss migration, sustainable development, human security, and the role of universities in achieving this. Rector Elmar Gasimov of the BHOS provided opening remarks, which were followed by a presentation from Prof. Dr. Eden Mamut on the BSUN method framework, in which he outlined its principles, working approach, and the topics approved by the BSUN Executive Board.

Two panel sessions followed, featuring the following distinguished speakers:

  • Prof. Nicolaous Theodossiou, Chair, SDSN Black Sea
  • Mr. Garry Jacobs, President & CEO, World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS)
  • Ambassador Michael Christides, Former Secretary General, Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
  • Prof. Grigoris Zarotiadis, Elected Member of the Management Council of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Dr. Sergiy Byelikov, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine
  • Mr. Jonathan Granoff, President, Global Security Institute, WAAS Trustee
  • Ms. Janani Ramanathan, Secretary General, WAAS
  • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, President of the World Council of Environmental and Resource Economists Associations, Chair of the UN SDSN Global Climate Hub
  • Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania
  • Dr. Joanna Nurse, Director General, InterAction Council

The discussions highlighted the importance of involving youth and universities, as well as the necessity to rethink leadership and security by incorporating the concept of “planetary leadership.” When it comes to security, transforming security at all levels, includes planetary security, while empowering young people. It also calls for a systems-based, multi-disciplinary approach. Additionally, there was a strong emphasis on the 2030 Agenda as the most effective framework, because of its interdisciplinary nature, inclusivity (i.e., the “Leave No One Behind” principle”), capacity for monitoring progress, and focus on measurable and implementable actions.

The panel sessions were then followed by a brief presentation by BSUN members in Azerbaijan.

Global Baku Forum

The SDSN Black Sea Leadership Council also met during the XII Global Baku Forum in Azerbaijan on March 15, 2024. Representatives from Greece, Türkiye, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine were present, and the meeting was chaired by Prof. Nicolaous Theodossiou, Chair of SDSN Black Sea.

After a brief recap of the discussions of the Leadership Council meeting last year, which included the launch of the Black Sea Sustainable Development Report (SDR), there was a fruitful continued discussion on the feasibility of the development of the Black Sea SDGs Observatory.

The Global Baku Forum (GBF) is an annual event organized by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center and the Azerbaijani government bringing together world leaders to discuss pressing global issues. This year’s theme was “Rethinking World Order: Turning Challenges into Opportunities,” During the three-day conference, members of the SDSN Black Sea Leadership Council networked with high-level leaders from around the world.

Participants at the Global Baku from SDSN Black Sea:

  • Nikolaos Theodosiou Chair, SDSN Black Sea; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Andelka Mihajlov Minister for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of Serbia 2002-2004
  • Eden Mamut Secretary General of Black Sea Universities Network; Ovidius University of Constanta
  • Grigoris Zarotiadis Elected Member of the Management Council of the Aristotle, University of Thessaloniki
  • Marina Stefanova Faculty of Economy, Sofia University
  • Michael Christides Secretary-General of the Permanent International Secretariat of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization 2015-2018
  • Mihail Musov Co-chair, SDSN Bulgaria; Vice-Rector at University of National and World Economy
  • Sergiy Byelikov Rector, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
  • Tamer Atabarut Manager, SDSN Türkiye
  • Maria Zacharaki Lawyer-Journalist-Foreign Correspondent in Istanbul; Press representative of SDSN Black Sea
  • Phoebe Koundouri, President of the World Council of Environmental and Resource Economists Association, Chair of the UN SDSN Global Climate Hub
Opening Ceremony of the XII Global Baku Forum.
Representatives from SDSN Black Sea Network and Secretariat