SDSN at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)

This year, SDSN and our networks hosted a number of events alongside the UN's High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. With a theme of accelerating recovery from COVID-19 and implementing the 2030 Agenda, leaders and stakeholders from around the world convened in New York and online to review progress towards the SDGs, explore actionable policy guidance, and prepare for the 2023 SDG Summit in September.

We invited our networks and the SDG community to join us at the following events, which SDSN hosted or were organized by our partners. Key areas of focus at these events included 1) the role of science and evidence-based assessment to inform climate and sustainable development-related policy; 2) the importance of timely and georeferenced data for SDG implementation; 3) the role of national and regional decision-makers in the 2030 Agenda; and 4) how partnerships, cross-sectoral collaboration, and multi-stakeholder alliances can help boost systemic transformations in communities and beyond. 

UN SDG:Learn: A OneUN+ Initiative to Transform Skillsets and Mindsets for Sustainable Development

Host: UN SDG:Learn

Watch the Recording:

This side event illustrated how UN agencies and other partners working together can transform the skillsets and attitudes of learners globally by offering a more integrated learning experience through the use of technology and partner content. The main outcome of the side event was a greater awareness of policy-makers and other stakeholders from UN Member States about learning needs, learning services, and integrated learning approaches available for the SDGs, as well as what different UN and non-UN partners, including universities, bring or can bring to the table.

Data-Driven Voluntary National and Local Reviews for the SDGs

Host: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Esri, PVBLIC Foundation

Watch the Recording:

United Nations Member States are encouraged to present Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLR) to share their success, challenges, lessons learned, and report on the SDGs at national and sub-national levels. After numerous consultations with various governments and the SDG Data Alliance, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)’s SDGs Today team and Esri have developed an ArcGIS StoryMap template that supports the publication of a digital and interactive presentation of a VNR or VLR. The template guides local and national governments through the various sections of the reporting process and features different methods and techniques that can be integrated to analyze, visualize, and communicate data that is acceptable to a diverse audience. This digital template allows stakeholders to embed interactive maps, dashboards, data visualizations, and other multimedia content to present a data-driven report on the state of the SDGs and enable other stakeholders to engage with the data presented in the report.

Region to Region: Engineering Approaches to Scale the Clean Energy Transition

Host: Council of Engineers on the Energy Transition (CEET), SDSN

The work of the CEET is undertaken by an independent and impartial council of recognized global experts, serving in their personal capacity and responding to requests for information by the UN System. The CEET was launched in September 2021 and is co-chaired by Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). To better understand the different realities of scaling the energy transition at a regional level and to shape its work plan, the CEET has conducted a series of 5 regional consultations with the UN economic commissions, multilateral development banks and other key regional organizations from the Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Western Asia, Asia Pacific and Europe regions to identify clean energy-related engineering challenges and bottlenecks and to learn about key energy transition initiatives and projects across regions; and to identify key mechanisms and areas for engagement pertaining to technologies, solutions and business models (new trends, challenges, opportunities, success cases). The CEET presented on and deliberated with regional stakeholders and a broader audience a diagnosis of engineering challenges and bottlenecks, particularly framing specific issues that require regional attention. The aim of this exercise was to contribute with technology insights and inform the review of SDG7 on affordable and clean energy during this year’s High-level Political Forum (HLPF). 

Human Planet Forum

Host: European Commission, the Group on Earth Observations, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), and the Columbia Climate School Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)

The Human Planet is an initiative in the GEO work programme supporting the GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025. The Human Planet aims to support novel evidence-based assessment of the human presence on the planet Earth. The partners of the Human Planet are committed to developing a new generation of measurements and information products that provide new scientific evidence and a comprehensive understanding of the human presence on the Planet in support of global policy processes with agreed, actionable and goal-driven metrics.

Experiences in Peer Learning in Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs

Host: European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN)

2023 marks the halfway point to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. It Is therefore important to reflect on what has worked well over the last 8 years and what organizations focusing on peer learning and exchange to further these aims still needs to accomplish in the 7 years that remain. This side event sought to share collective experiences made over years of peer learning activities and how these can be improved upon.

SDG16: Better data for ensuring no one is left behind
Host: International IDEA

In September 2015, leaders of the world called for a ‘new chapter’ in global development to be achieved by 2030 through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ranging from ending poverty to taking urgent action to promote climate change. Today, we have reached the halfway point and many challenges remain, so no one is left behind. One key condition for achieving all SDGs consists in the promotion of “peace, justice, and strong institutions” (Sustainable Development Goal 16).

In this event, the SDG16 Data Initiative provided an outlook on the situation on SDG16 and compared the outlook based on current official indicators with non-official data. Participants also provided recommendations for improving data coverage, using complementary data sources, having better indicators, and of course, for meeting SDG16.

Launch of the Benin Sustainable Development Report 2023: Innovative Financing Schemes and Policies to Unlock Human Potential

Host: Government of Benin, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Read the Blog:

In 2021, Benin achieved a significant milestone by launching the first Eurobond for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the African continent. In a poly-crisis context (consequences of COVID-19, geopolitical instabilities, and climate crises) where the world is no longer making progress on the SDGs (Sachs et al, 2023), Benin faces the challenge of pursuing its economic and social development and “leaving no one behind.” As we unveiled the “Benin Sustainable Development Report 2023: Strengthening Human Capital and Reducing Inequalities,” we explored innovative financing schemes and policies to unlock human potential.

Spillover Effects, Sustainable Supply Chains, and SDG 9

Hosts: The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia, as the co-chair of the Group of Friends of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in New York, together with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany, SDSN United Kingdom, and VENRO (Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs

In the context of the in-depth review of SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) at this year’s high level political forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, the side event looked at the challenges faced by governments, industries, companies and other societal stakeholders in the field of sustainable supply chains. It sought to identify best practices and solutions, including regulatory mechanisms and other approaches needed to design value chains that reduce negative international spillover effects – environmental, social or economic – particularly for developing countries. It contributed to the review of SDG 9 during the HLPF and the SDG Summit.

Jointly Build a Zero-Carbon Energy System to Further Advance the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Hosts: The Global Energy Interconnection Development Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), OLADE, and SDSN

The Global Energy Interconnection Development Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), OLADE, and SDSN co-hosted a side event alongside the HLPF to discuss the technical opportunities and challenges of building a zero-carbon energy system in support of the 2030 Agenda. In this discussion, we heard how different regions around the world are facing unique challenges and how global markets are evolving to address these challenges. Participants had the opportunity to meet the SDSN Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET), an independent advisory group to the UN Secretary-General.

Science Day
Hosts: SDSN, UNDP, UN DESA, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

What will success for the SDGs look like in 2030? We are nearing the half-way review of the 2030 Agenda and there is growing evidence that we are lagging in the achievement of the SDGs. This event offered an informal space in the framework of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) for decision makers, scientists, and other stakeholders to exchange views on potential strategies to ensure the acceleration of SDG implementation is as evidence-based, strategic and effective as possible. It showcased important scientific findings, methodologies and tools that can help support evidence-based decision-making for the SDGs. These insights also aim to inform the upcoming 2023 SDG Summit and the 2024 Summit of the Future.

Developing Systemic Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Through Multi Stakeholder Approaches
Host: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

This workshop aimed to discuss how multi-stakeholder alliances can help boost systemic transformations that ensure long-term resilience of cities and communities. It focused on the ways in which collaboration between scientists, local authorities, communities, and other stakeholders can contribute to the creation of long-term systemic change for climate adaptation and mitigation, resilience to disasters, and disaster risk management. The panelists discussed how ownership of climate solutions at the local level contributes to their sustainability and how such solutions can be replicated beyond Europe.

How We Know What We Know About Water: Community and Partnership-Based Approaches to Capacity Building in the Water Sector
Hosts: Governments of Finland and Uganda, International Association of Universities (IAU), UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Global Water Partnership (GWP)

The world is not on track to achieve SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, with significant challenges remaining in almost every country on earth (Sachs, et al. 2022). Addressing the alarming state of global water and sanitation was made even more urgent during the UN Water Conference in March 2023, resulting in the Water Action Agenda and more than 700 multi-sectoral commitments to support water action through financing, infrastructure, and policy development. Nearly 20 percent of commitments feature an element of education or capacity building. However, education and science play a larger role in the achievement of SDG 6 and all SDGs (Toman, van't Land, & Harris, 2023). Recognizing that research, knowledge transfer, and community engagement are essential for the achievement of all of the Sustainable Development Goals, and that SDG 6 is under review at this year’s HLPF, this side event explored best practices in water sector capacity building from around the world, including a focus on partnerships (with educational institutions, local governments, NGOs, etc.) as an accelerator for action. The event brought together experts from across the global networks of the International Association of Universities, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the Global Water Partnership, representing higher education, policy, and practice, to discuss innovative approaches to, and the remaining needs of, capacity building in the sector.