SDSN and GIZ host virtual network retreat

The week of November 16th, SDSN and GIZ co-organized a week-long virtual retreat for SDSN Network Managers. This 8th edition of the training workshop was originally scheduled to be held in March 2020 in Madrid but was canceled due to COVID-19. After the success of numerous other online events and the uncertainty around the future in-person events, it was decided to host this workshop virtually.

The retreat focused on three key themes: 1) strategic fundraising, 2) SDSN and our networks responding to the pandemic, and 3) SDSN's work on climate. On the first topic, SDSN network managers were encouraged to think critically about how to position their work and engage with various types of potential funders, including identifying and connecting with the right donors and analyzing the success factors of previous proposals. The Managers were then tasked with developing “fundraising canvases” to map all of this and prepare a strategy moving forward.

The sessions on responding the pandemic featured SDSN’s leadership of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission and ways for networks to support and engage in this work. It also allowed various networks to present their special initiatives over the past months, as well as the opportunity for networks to brainstorm potential regional collaborations around joint initiatives.

In addition to building capacity and developing skills amongst the diverse global team, this retreat also helped build rapport between networks. It provided moments of teambuilding and informal fun, such as the “coffee mug selfie challenge” (pictured) for everyone get to know each other virtually.

The week closed with SDSN Director Jeffrey Sachs thanking the Network Managers for their hard work and extending a special invitation for them to participate in the UN Secretary-General’s upcoming address on “ the State of the Planet.”