SDSN and GIZ hold the 2021 Network Managers Workshop

SDSN Network Managers from every continent joined for the annual workshop with a focus on member engagement, fundraising and collaboration across Networks

During the first week of November 2021, more than 40 local Network Managers from all over the world participated in a four-day online workshop with sessions on sustainable and future-oriented initiatives. This included several new managers who have recently joined SDSN’s fast-growing networks program.

The 2021 workshop focused on four main themes: 1) Fundraising, 2) Network Initiatives and opportunities for collaboration, 3) Governance, and 4) Member Engagement and Relationship Management. The Network Managers had the chance to learn and exchange ideas with experts from the SDSN Secretariat, GIZ, and two other global networks: Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA). The event concluded with a special discussion with Professor Jeffrey Sachs, SDSN President. Following a speech on current challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and increasing inequalities, and the importance of mobilizing finance, Prof. Sachs discussed with the Network Managers how to tackle these issues on a local and national level.

The workshop represented an excellent opportunity for a dynamic exchange among participants and the forging of geographical and thematic ties. We are looking forward to the 2022 edition next year, hopefully in person!