SDSN & GIZ 2022 Network Managers Workshop

SDSN Network Managers from all over the world participated in a hybrid workshop in Paris, New York, Kuala Lumpur, Kigali, and online. This year, the workshop focused on member engagement, effective communication, partnerships, and network governance.

From the 11th to 14th of October 2022, more than 60 managers from 50 national and regional networks joined a four-day hybrid workshop from Kigali, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Paris, and online. With support from GIZ, the network managers had a chance to meet and exchange their experiences and resources for the first time in person since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2022 Network manager workshop was composed of various online and in-person sessions under four main themes: 1) Network governance, 2) Partnership with the private sector, 3) Effective and assertive communication, and 4) Member engagement and relationship management. Each session was tailored to three different regional groups: Europe and the Americas; Africa and Asia; and those online, as all managers joined from different regions worldwide.

The workshop concluded with a discussion with Professor Jeffrey Sachs, SDSN President. Since network managers are in a position that promotes SDGs and SDG achievement in the countries and regions, Prof. Sachs highlighted the importance of their roles, such as working with the government to incorporate SDGs in the policy agenda and mobilizing stakeholders from different sectors of society. With the pandemic, the ongoing Ukraine/Russia war, geopolitical conflict, and climate shock, the world is facing challenging circumstances, but it is still important to work with SDSN’s global member institutions to make a difference by focusing on the long-term agenda and the framework for achieving the SDGs.

The 2022 network managers workshop gave the global team a chance to reconnect in person after a long period of virtual convenings. Moreover, the hybrid format and multiple breakout sessions enabled the development of connections across regions through in-depth discussions and idea sharing. We are looking forward to the 2023 workshop next year!

The team joining from New York
The team joining from Kuala Lumpur
SDSN Network Managers in Kigali
The conference room in Paris
SDSN Network Managers in Paris