SDSN Afghanistan launches pilot project of "Our University and SDGs - A Capacity Building Program for Universities"

SDSN Afghanistan started the pilot the project of the "Our University and SDGs - A Capacity Building Program for Universities" at its host institution, Kateb University. The core objective of this program is to strengthen the position of universities and their contribution in the development process of Afghanistan using the Global Agenda which will be implemented in three phases as following:

  1. Rapid Self-Assessment for Learning : In this phase, policies, strategies, programs, curriculum, research and publication of universities will be evaluated based on SDGs principles and content to identify the current contribution and alignment or dis-alignment with SDGS.
  2. Capacity Building : In this phase, universities will develop a capacity building plan according to their current level of alignment or dis-alignment with SDGs principles and content. For better implementation of the plan, SDSN Afghanistan will provide technical support to universities. The support is provided through member organizations, international partners, business partners, leadership council member institutions, members of the Global Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Global), and the Sustainable Development Goals Academy (SDG Academy).
  3. Impact Assessment : SDSN Afghanistan will evaluate the impact of the capacity building plan after a specific period of implementation to improve the design and implementation of the plan.

The first phase of the pilot project begun with an orientation workshop on Monday, August 24, 2020, in the presence of the chancellor of Kateb University, senior managers, deans of faculties and heads of departments, heads of Kateb's research centers, and heads of quality assurance department.

The project of “Our University and SDGs- A Capacity Building Program for Universities” will be implemented under the auspices of the Leadership Council of SDSN Afghanistan and assessment and modeling experts in collaboration with the SDSN, Monash, and RMIT Universities in Australia.

After the completion of pilot project at Kateb University, the project is designed to be implemented in central and provincial universities of Afghanistan over the next three years.

For more information about this, please contact with the Secretariat of SDSN Afghanistan at [email protected] or visit