SDG16 Data Initiative launches inaugural Global Report

SDSN is proud to participate in the launch of the inaugural Global Report of the SDG16 Data Initiative to assess progress toward realizing the 2030 Agenda’s commitment to peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. The 2017 Global Report is intended to provide governments, UN officials, and civil society stakeholders with a resource for tracking progress on SDG16 targets, and provide an evidence base to help policymakers identify shortcomings in both implementing and monitoring SDG16.

The inaugural Global Report was presented at the UN on 13 July at the 2017 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York. It assesses measurable, worldwide progress towards meeting the 12 targets under SDG16. This assessment is based on available data from both official indicators that have been globally agreed upon by UN Member States, as well as additional, complementary indicators endorsed by the Data Initiative members. The report considers the extent of data coverage, the limitations of the data currently available, and how data are being used to drive change. A chapter is dedicated to each of the 12 SDG16 targets, and there is an additional analysis of data coverage for the 44 countries under voluntary review at the 2017 High Level Political Forum. In addition to serving as a resource for tracking progress on SDG16 targets, the Global Report underlines the importance of producing, collecting, and monitoring robust data to enable sustained progress in building peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.

We invite you to consult the Global Report to learn about both the many challenges to producing data and measuring progress toward Goal 16 and each of its 12 targets – including the lack of effective methodologies to produce needed data, the misalignment between certain targets and their indicators, and insufficient coverage of particular datasets – as well as the ways in which measuring SDG16 is enabling sustained progress in building peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. The report is available through the SDG16 DI interactive website, as well as through a PDF version for printing.

Explore the report here: SDG16 Global Report website


The SDG16 Data Initiative is a collaborative effort by 14 independent international organizations working in the spirit of SDG16 to advance the cause of peace, justice, and accountable institutions: International IDEA; Institute for Economics and Peace; Global Forum for Media Development; Governance Data Alliance; Namati; Open Society Foundations; Peace Research Institute Oslo; Results for Development Institute; Saferworld; Small Arms Survey; Sustainable Development Solutions Network; TAP Network; Transparency International; and the World Justice Project.