SDG Priorities for the Caribbean Region Discussed

On July 21, 2016, the Caribbean SDSN and it's host institution, the University of the West Indies (UWI), held a high-level, multi-stakeholder forum to discuss this question, with a focus on energy security in the region (SDGs 7 & 13).

The first panel consisted of Devon Gardner of CARICOM, Patrick Watson of UWI, and Minister Ian Liburd of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Post, Urban Development, and Transport of St. Kitts and Nevis. They discussed how the Caribbean can drive low-carbon growth, raising standards of living while maintaining or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Minister Liburd shared an example from St. Kitts, where a Taiwanese solar panel manufacturing company has opened a factory to supply the region.

The second panel included Gary Clyne of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago, Anthony Clayton of UWI, Kamal Shahrabi of SUNY Farmingdale, and Gary Barrow of JPSCo. Panelists discussed exciting technological innovations to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also improving service provision and resilience to climactic events. Clyne shared plans for an emission trading schemefor the Caribbean region, with potential linkages to existing North American programs, while Clayton presented on innovations in energy efficient and zero-carbon buildingsin the region. Shahrabi presented on a number of innovations at the consumer level, such as smart meters provided by electric companies, smart appliances that have been designed to increase efficiency, and mobile apps to help consumers track and improve their energy use.

Media Coverage:

Energy sector to decide CARICOM’s future — Liburd | Jamaica Gleaner

UWI seeks to educate Caribbean leaders on climate change – Regional heads lacking urgency on global threat, says King | Jamaica Gleaner

Energy-efficiency strategy coming for the Caribbean | Jamaica Gleaner

Sachs, UNSDN, push for implementation of SDGs | Jamaica Observer