Presentation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Paris

March 18, Paris, France — The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) held its French launch event on Monday in Paris. In a joint event with IDDRI, the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, and the Paris School of International Affairs, the Solutions Network was introduced by its Director Jeffrey D. Sachs .

Launched in August of 2012, the Solutions Network mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector for sustainable-development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. Operating under the auspices of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to foster global action and cooperation on sustainable development, the SDSN supports governments, NGOs and UN agencies in their work towards achieving practical solutions to the greatest development challenges the world faces.The highlight of the French launch was a panel discussion on the post-2015 development agenda, which was attended by over 500 professionals and students. Pascal Canfin , the French Deputy Minister for Development and Laurence Tubiana , the Director of IDDRI and Co-Chair of the SDSN Leadership Council, joined Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the SDSN and The Earth Institute, Columbia University to present the Solutions Network. The discussion was moderated by Ghassan Salamé , Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs.