Parliamentarians Examine COVID-19's Impacts on Women

JULY 7, 2020, NEW YORK – Today the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), and Parliamentarians for the Global Goals (PFGG) organized a high-level dialogue on gender and COVID-19. Participants included parliamentarians and their staff from over 60 countries, as well as experts on the SDGs and gender equality.

The COVID-19 pandemic represents the greatest threat to humanity since World War II. Despite its far-reaching impact, many governments have struggled for access for science-based recommendations to support an effective response, and governance challenges have also led to uncoordinated activities in a number of countries.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all countries in 2015 offer a useful framework for considering these challenges. The global pandemic has deepened many of society’s inequalities, and particularly gender imbalances. The overwhelming majority of healthcare workers are women, and with schools, daycare facilities, and senior care centers closed, the pandemic is also exacerbating preexisting disparities in domestic workloads. Further, we have seen alarming increases in domestic violence worldwide during shelter-in-place orders. In addition, gender inequalities on the job market are being exacerbated. Women are more likely than men to lose their job as a result of the pandemic and, unless corrective measures are taken early on, are also less likely to regain gainful employment in equality with men.

Fortunately, a number of Parliamentarians have shown leadership on these critical issues, and there is a growing body of policy evidence on effective responses. At the event, Parliamentarians heard from a large number of experts on what can be done to ensure a green, feminist recovery.

  • Moderated by Kirsten Brosbøl, Founder, Parliamentarians for SDGs
  • Jeffrey D. Sachs, President, Sustainable Development Solutions Network
  • Silvana Koch-Merin, President and Founder, Women Political Leaders (WPL)
  • María Fernanda Espinosa, former President of the United Nations General Assembly
  • Gabriela Cuevas, President, IPU
  • Pumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director, UN Women
  • Trisha Shetty, Founder, SheSays India

This was the second in a series of four webinars on COVID-19 response and the SDGs designed for and with Parliamentarians around the world. They are meant as a forum for peer-to-peer learning, mutual inspiration, and exchange of best practices that can inspire more political action on SDGs

Media requests please contact Kirsten Brosbøl.

Video Recording of Opening Remarks

Video Recording of Expert PresentationsVideo Recording of Expert Presentations

Video Recording of Closing Remarks