Outcomes from the Renewable Energy and SDGs Event

On 24 September, 2018, the Thematic Network on Good Governance of Extractive & Land Resources convened a meeting on Renewable Energy and the SDGs: Exploring Links with Extractives, Agriculture, and Land Use. The event was co-hosted by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), GIZ, and the World Bank. Participants discussed questions around how extractive industries and agricultural projects are affected by, and can contribute to, the deployment of renewable energy in line with the SDGs, as well as how those deploying renewable energy technologies can be sensitive to their impacts on sustainable development and human rights. This conversation drew on the experiences of companies, civil society and communities, donor and multilateral organizations, and others to assess how the private sector can promote accessible, low-carbon energy use while at the same time reducing poverty and respecting human rights.

An outcome report of the meeting is now available. It highlights some key challenges the renewables sector needs to address to foster SDG achievement, including addressing supply chain sustainability and how to ensure equitable benefit sharing from installations; as well as recognizing areas where future collaboration is needed, such as improving legal and regulatory frameworks and building the capacity of companies to monitor and report on their social, environmental, and economic impacts. Click here to view the full report.