“One Year of SDG 4”: Your Response to EQUAL’s Call for Essays

On July 5, 2016 the SDSN Global Education, Quality and Learning for All (EQUAL) Network–co-hosted by Global TIES for Children and Pratham– invited researchers and practitioners to contribute short papers on “One Year of SDG4.” One month later, submissions poured in from 16 different countries, each explaining how education has changed in their respective area since September 2015.

Afghanistan – Professor Aminullah Amin, Ministry of Education

Bangladesh – Syeed Ahamed, Institute of Informatics and Development

Brazil – Dr. Javier Collado Ruano

Canada – Kinoti Timothy and Mwamburi Japheth, World University Service of Canada, KEEP project

Colombia – Ana Maria Barajas, Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá

Germany – Reiner Mathar and Katarina Roncevic, ESD

Ghana – Might Kojo Abreh, University of Cape Coast

India – Srishti Goyal, UNESCO Mahatma Ghandi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP)

Indonesia – Sharon Kanthy Lumbaraja, TNP2K

Iran – Atiyeh Najafi Ghodousi, Sepideh Mosharafiandehkordi, Zahra Javaherian, and Reza Maknoon

Italy – Denis Francesconi, Enrico Giovannini, and Stefano Molina

Kenya 1 – Walter Kwena, Winny Cherotich, and Hannah-May Wilson

Kenya 2 – Emmanuel Manyasa, UWEZO

Mexico – Paulina Santos Alatorre

Mozambique 1 – Facilidade ICDS

Mozambique 2 – Armando Ali, Facilidade ICDS

Pakistan – Izzah Meyer and Waqas Bajwa, ASER

Uganda 1 – Ibembe John Daniel and Bakibinga Stella

Uganda 2 – Dr. Mary Gorretti Nakabugo, TWAWEZA