New partnership between the Enel Foundation and SDSN to support the European Green Deal

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Enel Foundation are undertaking a joint research endeavor to provide research support for the implementation of the European Green Deal by applying SDSN’s “ Six Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals ”, published in Nature Sustainability in 2019. By drawing on earlier work by The World in 2050 initiative, the transformations introduce modular building-blocks for SDG achievement to identify and amplify interdisciplinary opportunities and challenges.

The Six Transformations include:
· Education, Gender, and Inequality
· Health, Well-being, and Demography
· Energy Decarbonization and Sustainable Industry
· Sustainable Food, Land, Water, and Oceans
· Sustainable Cities and Communities
· Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development

Each Transformation identifies priority investments and regulatory challenges and calls for actions by well-defined parts of government working with business and civil society. Transformations may therefore be operationalized within the structures of government while respecting the strong interdependencies across the 17 SDGs.

Additionally, the European Green Deal offers a regulatory framework that will guide the operations of governments, organizations and businesses in the European Union, incentivizing the use of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs as the basis for action. This makes SDSN’s Six Transformations a useful integrated policy framework from which European countries and businesses can work together to help Europe become the first carbon neutral continent in the world by 2050.

The aim of the Enel Foundation and SDSN partnership is to carry out research activities and provide a series of issue briefs with recommendations for action to achieve the deep decarbonization transition included in the European Green Deal. The teams that will be working on the achievement of these goals will be co-led by Carlo Papa, Managing Director of Enel Foundation, and Jeffrey Sachs, SDSN President.

Carlo Papa commented, “We look forward to collaborating with SDSN on the definition of a practical roadmap for EU countries to adopt and apply. Zeroing carbon emissions needs to be a top priority for every government and institution, and Enel Foundation is strongly committed to providing the necessary help to make it happen.”

“All of the SDSN network is thrilled to partner with ENEL Foundation on supporting the European Green Deal. More than ever, the world needs an economic strategy that is inclusive, job creating, and environmentally sustainable. The EU’s Green Deal is the world’s leading framework, and the ENEL Foundation is a unique thought leader in how to bring the EU vision to fruition” Jeffrey Sachs, SDSN.