Media Round Up | Europe Sustainable Development Report 2022

On 5 December 2022 the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) released the the 4th edition of the Europe Sustainable Development Report (ESDR). It includes the SDG Index and Dashboards which track progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the EU, its member states and partner countries.

The report shows that, seven years after the SDG’s adoption by the international community and amid multiple crises, the EU`s progress on the SDGs has stalled. Based on trend data available since 2015, the EU is still on track achieving around two-thirds of the targets, yet a third of the targets show insufficient progress or are heading in the wrong direction, especially those related to responsible consumption, climate and biodiversity (SDG2; 12-15). Through unsustainable consumption and trade the EU generates large negative spillovers on the rest of the world.

Press Releases can be found here.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] for any media inquiries.

EXCLUSIF. Objectifs de développement durable : la France se classe 11e en Europe

Le Journal du Dimanche | 04.12.2022

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India Environment Portal | 05.12.2022

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Santa Chiara Lab | 05.12.2022

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Novethic | 05.12.2022

ODD : l’UE et la France sont en voie d’atteindre deux tiers des cibles à l’horizon 2030 (rapport SDSN)

AEFinfo | 06.12.2023

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Agora | 07.12.2022

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Esteval Editions | 13.12.2022

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UNA News | 13.12.2022

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EESC, The News, FreshAngle, TurkTimes| 25.01.2023

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Valori | 18.01.2023

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El Portal de la economia solidaria | 07.02.2023

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ASVIS Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenible | 02.02.2023

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Portugal Posts English | 01.02.2023

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