March meeting of Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) convenes over one hundred scientists

More than one hundred scientists and researchers from the eight Amazonian countries, French Guyana, and global partners, met virtually on March 19th to discuss and agree on a scope of the work for the newly-formed Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA).

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic and the international crisis related to it, original plans for an in-person meeting were adapted to a virtual format. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (SPA Convener), Dr. Carlos Nobre, and Dr. Andrea Encalada (SPA Co-Chairs) thanked all participants for their commitment to this work under difficult circumstances, and applauded the participants and Technical Secretariat for rapidly adapting to the online meeting

Nobre emphasized that the never before have so many scientists come together with such a broad and interdisciplinary scope for the project. He shared hopes that the report to be release later in 2020 and the inclusive processes to design it will serve as a role model for all tropical forests. He also mentioned that this work is essential not only for the Amazon or for the Amazonian people, but for the planet as a whole.

Sachs stressed that the SPA is composed of a remarkable group of people with a tremendous knowledge about the region and, therefore, has a unique capacity to credibly advise on relevant policies that can lead to practical solutions.

The Co-Chairs presented the initial scope and methodology of the SPA. In the next few months the scientists will be organized into several working groups who will then meet separately to define their scope and work plans.

The SPA expects to issue their report before the end of 2020, presenting solutions and pathways for sustainable development of the Amazon Basin, and providing policy-relevant recommendations based on scientific evidence, at a crucial time when its ecosystems are nearing a tipping point, aggravated by the impacts of climate and land use changes, and challenging political environments.